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Focus on Internationalization 58% 16% 15% 4.5% 2% Relatively few WDA members in Asia But a fair number of Asians use the WDA website Australasian Section.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus on Internationalization 58% 16% 15% 4.5% 2% Relatively few WDA members in Asia But a fair number of Asians use the WDA website Australasian Section."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus on Internationalization 58% 16% 15% 4.5% 2% Relatively few WDA members in Asia But a fair number of Asians use the WDA website Australasian Section 241 Nordic Section 55 European Section 186 Latin American Section 66 Africa Middle East Section 70 Wildlife Veterinary Section 350 Access to JWD free in 140 nations worldwide. In Asia, all countries except : Japan South Korea Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore

2 Current WDA Membership in Asia by Nation JWD available free in these countries Is this a disincentive toward membership ? Countries in Asia with WDA members

3 WDA Asian Nations Initiative 2013-2014 Memorandum of Agreement with Asian Society for Conservation Medicine (championed by Pam Whiteley). WDA funded some Asian colleagues attendance at 2015 meeting. WDA and WDA-Australia would like to encourage growth, collaboration and cooperation in Asia. Formation of an Asian WDA Section is also possible. What would ASCM like to do?

4 How and why do WDA Sections grow in various parts of the world ? Latin America and Africa Middle East are most recent sections. JWD was generally available for free in both regions Champions led efforts in each region. Benefits of WDA membership above and beyond JWD began to be recognized. A WDA Conference brought together a critical mass of regional leaders. Monetary exchange issues were overcome In some cases agency sponsors helped pay individual memberships

5 A WDA Section in Asia? There must be a desire on part of Asian members! If yes then: Need minimum of 10 active members (20 better) Asian colleagues need to define what falls within an ‘Asian Section’. Need to apply for Section status, agree to have elected leadership and abide by WDA Constitution and Bylaws. Once formed, sections are eligible for WDA Section member rebate ($15/ member) and other forms of financial support, grants, etc.

6 If Asian WDA section not desirable at this time ? Are there other ways we can collaborate?!

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