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Junior Class Orientation Class of 2017 Fall Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Junior Class Orientation Class of 2017 Fall Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Junior Class Orientation Class of 2017 Fall Presentation

2 Four Key Elements Academics Testing Post-Graduation Planning Key Events


4 Schedule Changes No changes until Sept 14 Elective changes from 9/14 – 9/25 Academic misplacements w/ teacher approval from 9/14 – 10/16 All changes need note from parent NO changes after October 16!

5 Graduation Requirements 4 credits English 3 credits math 3, 4, or 4.5 credits science 4 credits social studies 1.5 credits PE.5 credit health.5 credit Careers/ Personal Finance Remainder - elective credits Keystone Exams Total of 23.5 credits


7 Testing Program PSAT SAT I & II ACT ASVAB Keystone Exams

8 PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test Wednesday, October 14 during periods 1-4 Revised version to mirror revised SAT Register in Counseling Office by 9/18 Registration forms available today! Fee: $20.00 payable to Lower Dauphin School District NMSQT – National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test

9 SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test SAT I Writing, Critical Reading, and Math scores Given on: November 7, March 5, and June 4 (Saturdays) at LD Revised version starts in March (writing optional) Register online at SAT II Subject tests: Literature, history, math, sciences, languages Take only if college requires scores

10 Important SAT Notes Create College Board account and put log in info in your phone! Must upload photo as part of registration process Need to print out admission ticket AND bring separate photo ID! Colleges take best scores – consider testing at least twice

11 SAT Preparation To prepare for the SAT, you can take a prep course and/or buy test preparation materials from a book store LD’s prep course:  Meets 6 times (3 English, 3 math) – Wednesday evenings or Saturday mornings  Cost is $40  Register with Mrs. Weber in Counseling Office  Winter dates will also be available for March test – register in January

12 ACT American College Test Given at LD on Sept 12 and Dec 12 Register online at Scores: English, math, science reasoning, and reading

13 ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery  Given by Armed Services on Oct 22 during periods 1-4  Important for those considering military careers  Sign up today or with Mrs. Weber in the Counseling Office


15 Keystone Exams Algebra, Biology, Literature If you scored Basic or Below Basic, you will retest in Dec and/or Jan this year Incentives offered for Proficient scores Still a graduation requirement at this point

16 Keystone Incentives If Proficient on all 3 tests, choose two incentives If Proficient on 2 of 3, choose one incentive Options: arrive one period late, leave one period early, open lunch, preferred parking, events pass

17 Key Resources Naviance (handout) Online ( College Fairs – Milton Hershey School on 9/16 from 7:30-8:30 pm and 3/9/15 at LVC from 7-8:30 pm College visits – should visit all before applying College reps at LD – sign up in Naviance Military recruiters College Information Packet (online at LD website)

18 Naviance Career Planning Will do career inventories in C&PF this year Look at other inventories available for you to complete (personality) College Planning Start to organize college interests Register for upcoming visits Start Student Bio Sheet


20 Important Dates PSAT Score Return December 10 – 7:00 p.m. in H.S. auditorium For students and parents Return & explanation of PSAT scores/college information Financial Aid Night January 6 – 6:30 p.m. in H.S. library For parents General financial aid info great for parents of juniors

21 For Student Athletes … NCAA Seminar November 12 at 7:00pm in the HS Library The “how, what and when if you are interested in playing a college sport” To include a panel of coaches and experts Understanding clearinghouse form and checking your eligibility

22 Remind 101 Have you signed up for my Remind texts? If not, be sure to get a flyer from me! Great communication tool

23 Questions? Mrs. Beaver 566-5337

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