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Bhakti-vaibhava Srimad Bhagavatam A First Canto Module Five Review Rev.151230 Bhakti-vaibhava Srimad Bhagavatam A First Canto Module Five Review Rev.151230.

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1 Bhakti-vaibhava Srimad Bhagavatam A First Canto Module Five Review Rev.151230 Bhakti-vaibhava Srimad Bhagavatam A First Canto Module Five Review Rev.151230 Anjana Suta Academy

2 MODULE FIVE SB 1.16: How Parīk ṣ it Received the Age of Kali SB 1.17: Punishment and Reward of Kali SB 1.18: Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it Cursed by a Brāhma ṇ a Boy SB 1.19: The Appearance of Śukadeva Gosvāmī MODULE FIVE SB 1.16: How Parīk ṣ it Received the Age of Kali SB 1.17: Punishment and Reward of Kali SB 1.18: Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it Cursed by a Brāhma ṇ a Boy SB 1.19: The Appearance of Śukadeva Gosvāmī

3 SB 1.16: How Parīk ṣ it Received the Age of Kali

4 Our ASA Study Guide at: is nice. We are trying to edit it and always post the updated version. For this Godfather Diploma we expect that you have already read this chapter at least once and have your notes. This is a review, overview, we are doing one chapter a day, maybe about 90-minutes/day. We’ll extract some questions from our Study Guide but one new thing we saw, when we used the Chapter View function on the website, was that Texts 20 and 26 are the biggest. We read them. They are interesting.

5 These chapters, 16-19, comprise the immediate circumstances under which Maharaja Pariksit met Srila Sukadeva Goswami and Srimad Bhagavatam was spoken. This is for our benefit, to guide us in this Age of Kali 1.What are the specific symptoms of the Age of Kali? 2.Do you see these at your doorstep? In your work place, community, nation? These chapters, 16-19, comprise the immediate circumstances under which Maharaja Pariksit met Srila Sukadeva Goswami and Srimad Bhagavatam was spoken. This is for our benefit, to guide us in this Age of Kali 1.What are the specific symptoms of the Age of Kali? 2.Do you see these at your doorstep? In your work place, community, nation? 1.How does the example of M. Pariksit in beginning of the Chapter contrast with the Age of Kali? 2.What phrases from M. Dharani or Dharma's speeches and their purports struck you? I'm especially stimulated by, "in the Kali- yuga the world becomes converted into a hell for the animals" and "the world becomes unfit for habitation by the saner section of society". 1.How does the example of M. Pariksit in beginning of the Chapter contrast with the Age of Kali? 2.What phrases from M. Dharani or Dharma's speeches and their purports struck you? I'm especially stimulated by, "in the Kali- yuga the world becomes converted into a hell for the animals" and "the world becomes unfit for habitation by the saner section of society".

6 Text 1 – Bibliography = Three principle Dharma- sastra authors are M____, Y_________ and P_______. 3 – VAD (Ksatriya) = Satisfied citizens do not re____. 7. Biographies (Yamaraja) = Great devotee, likes inv_______ to Ki_____. 20. VAD = Mleccha culture is the beginning of non-human life and C_____ is the final degredation. Text 1 – Bibliography = Three principle Dharma- sastra authors are M____, Y_________ and P_______. 3 – VAD (Ksatriya) = Satisfied citizens do not re____. 7. Biographies (Yamaraja) = Great devotee, likes inv_______ to Ki_____. 20. VAD = Mleccha culture is the beginning of non-human life and C_____ is the final degredation. 22. VAD = Classifications – Ksatriyas are meant for ad________ and Brahmanas are meant for k_______. 31. T_____ D___ is the author of “Rama-carita-manasa”. T/F Like us he rejects the Brahmana by birthright idea. 33. Demons = Enjoy life even at c____ of hap_______ of o_____. 22. VAD = Classifications – Ksatriyas are meant for ad________ and Brahmanas are meant for k_______. 31. T_____ D___ is the author of “Rama-carita-manasa”. T/F Like us he rejects the Brahmana by birthright idea. 33. Demons = Enjoy life even at c____ of hap_______ of o_____.

7 26-30. “Sri Krsna Govinda, Hare Murare, He Natha Narayana, Vasudevaya”. We have heard from several sources about this phrase. 1.Indian community members would use the San Francisco temple for Bhajan programs and chant this. They said it was a Mira-bhai bhajan. 2.Hansadutta Prabhu told me that he was walking with Prabhuapda, chanting this and Prabhupada told him to stop. He said, “But Prabhupada, its in one of your books”. Prabhupada said, “Hmmm.”. Then he started chanting it softly and Prabhupada did not object. 3.Krsna-krpa Das, disciple of Tamal Krsna Goswami told me that Maharaja had told him that Prabhupada had told him, that it was a totally bonafide Bhajan, names of God, but because it was the slogan of one big Mayavadi group we should not chant it publicly. We have heard from several sources about this phrase. 1.Indian community members would use the San Francisco temple for Bhajan programs and chant this. They said it was a Mira-bhai bhajan. 2.Hansadutta Prabhu told me that he was walking with Prabhuapda, chanting this and Prabhupada told him to stop. He said, “But Prabhupada, its in one of your books”. Prabhupada said, “Hmmm.”. Then he started chanting it softly and Prabhupada did not object. 3.Krsna-krpa Das, disciple of Tamal Krsna Goswami told me that Maharaja had told him that Prabhupada had told him, that it was a totally bonafide Bhajan, names of God, but because it was the slogan of one big Mayavadi group we should not chant it publicly.

8 SB 1.17: Punishment and Reward of Kali

9 "And in the absence of a suitable king to curb irreligious tendencies, educating the people systematically in the teaching of Srimad-Bhagavatam will clear up the hazy atmosphere of corruption, bribery, blackmail, etc.“ Text 27 (p) So this PdP curriculum etc. is the solution, service we should pursue. Do it and then naturally engage others. It’s difficult developing effective, systemic study. There is no better pioneering work in ISKCON than what we are doing right here. "And in the absence of a suitable king to curb irreligious tendencies, educating the people systematically in the teaching of Srimad-Bhagavatam will clear up the hazy atmosphere of corruption, bribery, blackmail, etc.“ Text 27 (p) So this PdP curriculum etc. is the solution, service we should pursue. Do it and then naturally engage others. It’s difficult developing effective, systemic study. There is no better pioneering work in ISKCON than what we are doing right here.

10 In general this Chapter is so great! It is all filled with practical knowledge. 1.From the first texts, again, what are the symptoms of Kali-yuga? 2.What does the White Bull represent? 3.Text 18-19 - Why Dharma did not name Kali as his tormenter. 1.Text 25(p) - Fasting two to four times a month may be accepted for spiritual realization... practical details, practical details. 2.We've been sticking pretty well to eating only once a day in the afternoon for spiritual realization. What experiments, austerities, are you doing? 3.Text 28 - True-of-False: "Oh, what can be done it is just our, their, bad karma“. Explain.

11 1.We we’re in Boise when we gave daily classes on this PdP Ch and we would see so many practical topics in each Purport. This Chapter can be the basis for months of study in P_______ Science. The ________must be able to advise the ________ on the basis of scripture. [SB 1.9.27 ¶2]. 2.Text 25, 32, 33 - Four pillars of sin and virtue can be followed by any religion. “By pride, either artificial or real, the resultant action of _______ is spoiled?” 1.We we’re in Boise when we gave daily classes on this PdP Ch and we would see so many practical topics in each Purport. This Chapter can be the basis for months of study in P_______ Science. The ________must be able to advise the ________ on the basis of scripture. [SB 1.9.27 ¶2]. 2.Text 25, 32, 33 - Four pillars of sin and virtue can be followed by any religion. “By pride, either artificial or real, the resultant action of _______ is spoiled?” 1."Hey, Hare Krsna, where are the four regulative principles mentioned in the Vedas?“ What verse in the SB? 2.In what Purport does Srila Prabhupada give a "Hare Krsna Manifesto”. Like it or not there he clearly states how the Hare Krsna's would rule the world if they had political power. a.Two compulsory fasting days in a month. b.There must be compulsory marriage of young boys and girls… 1."Hey, Hare Krsna, where are the four regulative principles mentioned in the Vedas?“ What verse in the SB? 2.In what Purport does Srila Prabhupada give a "Hare Krsna Manifesto”. Like it or not there he clearly states how the Hare Krsna's would rule the world if they had political power. a.Two compulsory fasting days in a month. b.There must be compulsory marriage of young boys and girls…

12 1.There must be compulsory marriage of young boys and girls attaining ________ years of age and ________ years of age respectively. 2.T/F There is no harm in coeducation in the schools and colleges. 3.T/F The divorce act curtails prostitution, and should be applied with discrimination. 1.There must be compulsory marriage of young boys and girls attaining ________ years of age and ________ years of age respectively. 2.T/F There is no harm in coeducation in the schools and colleges. 3.T/F The divorce act curtails prostitution, and should be applied with discrimination. 1.Text 39 - Why should we have Gold Coins? 2.Text 45 - T/F: The ISKCON GBC Body should be the Ultimate Administrative Authority for ISKCON and the Sanyasis and Brahmanas should be the Ultimate Spiritual Authorities for ISKCON? Explain. 1.Text 39 - Why should we have Gold Coins? 2.Text 45 - T/F: The ISKCON GBC Body should be the Ultimate Administrative Authority for ISKCON and the Sanyasis and Brahmanas should be the Ultimate Spiritual Authorities for ISKCON? Explain.

13 SB 1.17.38 sūta uvāca abhyarthitas tadā tasmai sthānāni kalaye dadau dyūta ṁ pāna ṁ striya ḥ sūnā yatrādharmaś catur-vidha ḥ SB 1.17.38 sūta uvāca abhyarthitas tadā tasmai sthānāni kalaye dadau dyūta ṁ pāna ṁ striya ḥ sūnā yatrādharmaś catur-vidha ḥ


15 SB 1.17.38 Read the Text Translation and Purport. Give a class on it. Use it in preaching. SB 1.17.38 Read the Text Translation and Purport. Give a class on it. Use it in preaching.

16 Chapter 18 Mahārāja Parīkṣit Cursed by a Brāhmaṇa Boy Chapter 18 Mahārāja Parīkṣit Cursed by a Brāhmaṇa Boy

17 SB 1.18.7 T RANSLATION : Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it was a realist, like the bees who only accept the essence [of a flower]. He knew perfectly well that in this Age of Kali, a_______ things produce good effects immediately, whereas i__________ acts must be actually performed [to render effects]. SB 1.18.7 T RANSLATION : Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it was a realist, like the bees who only accept the essence [of a flower]. He knew perfectly well that in this Age of Kali, a_______ things produce good effects immediately, whereas i__________ acts must be actually performed [to render effects]. SB 1.18.9 T RANSLATION : O sages, as you did ask me, now I have described almost everything regarding the narrations about Lord K ṛṣṇ a in connection with the history of the pious Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it. The good sages said: We have just begun the performance of this fruitive activity, a sacrificial fire, without certainty of its result due to the many imperfections in our action. Our bodies have become black from the smoke, but we are factually pleased by the nectar of the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, Govinda, which you are distributing. SB 1.18.9 T RANSLATION : O sages, as you did ask me, now I have described almost everything regarding the narrations about Lord K ṛṣṇ a in connection with the history of the pious Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it. The good sages said: We have just begun the performance of this fruitive activity, a sacrificial fire, without certainty of its result due to the many imperfections in our action. Our bodies have become black from the smoke, but we are factually pleased by the nectar of the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, Govinda, which you are distributing.

18 SB 1.18.13 tulayāma lavenāpi na svarga ṁ nāpunar-bhavam bhagavat-sa ṅ gi-sa ṅ gasya martyānā ṁ kim utāśi ṣ a ḥ W ORD FOR WORD : Tulayāma — to be balanced with; lavena — by a moment; api — even; na — never; svargam — heavenly planets; na — nor; apuna ḥ -bhavam— liberation from matter; bhagavat-sa ṅ g — devotee of the Lord; sa ṅ gasya — of the association; martyānām — those who are meant for death; kim — what is there; uta — to speak of; āśi ṣ a ḥ — worldly benediction. T RANSLATION : The value of a moment’s association with the devotee of the Lord cannot even be compared to the attainment of heavenly planets or liberation from matter, and what to speak of worldly benedictions in the form of material prosperity, which are for those who are meant for death. SB 1.18.13 tulayāma lavenāpi na svarga ṁ nāpunar-bhavam bhagavat-sa ṅ gi-sa ṅ gasya martyānā ṁ kim utāśi ṣ a ḥ W ORD FOR WORD : Tulayāma — to be balanced with; lavena — by a moment; api — even; na — never; svargam — heavenly planets; na — nor; apuna ḥ -bhavam— liberation from matter; bhagavat-sa ṅ g — devotee of the Lord; sa ṅ gasya — of the association; martyānām — those who are meant for death; kim — what is there; uta — to speak of; āśi ṣ a ḥ — worldly benediction. T RANSLATION : The value of a moment’s association with the devotee of the Lord cannot even be compared to the attainment of heavenly planets or liberation from matter, and what to speak of worldly benedictions in the form of material prosperity, which are for those who are meant for death.

19 SB 1.18.16-17 O Sūta Gosvāmī, please describe those topics of the Lord by which Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it attained the lotus feet of the Lord. Those topics were vibrated by the son of Vyāsa [Śrīla Śukadeva]. They were spoken to Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it. SB 1.18.16-17 O Sūta Gosvāmī, please describe those topics of the Lord by which Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it attained the lotus feet of the Lord. Those topics were vibrated by the son of Vyāsa [Śrīla Śukadeva]. They were spoken to Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it. SB 1.18.23-25 O ṛṣ is, I shall try to describe to you the transcendental pastimes of Vi ṣṇ u. As the birds fly in the sky as far as their capacity allows, so do the learned devotees describe the Lord as far as their realization allows. Once upon a time Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it, while engaged in hunting in the forest became extremely fatigued, hungry and thirsty… NOTE: The previous verses, this chapter includes, tremendous amount of glorification of Krsna-katha.

20 SB 1.18.38-49 Thereafter, when the boy returned to the hermitage, out of his grief he cried very loudly. The father heard from his son that the King had been cursed. The sage thus regretted the sin committed by his own son. He did not take the insult paid by the King very seriously.

21 1.SB 1.18.18 - Though born in an uncultured low class family, Suta Goswami was qualified to preach SB because of double good association. What was that association? 2.SB 1.18.32 - Who gave a chance for the Age of Kali to enter into the field of Vedic culture? 3.SB 1.18.43-47 - Currently democracy is very much advertised as the best form of government. What form do we suggest? Give few details. 4.Without good Kings the general mass of population will become like what to species of animals? What are the special bad habits of these animals? 5.since it was the desire of the Lord that Parīk ṣ it Mahārāja be put into that awkward position so that he might be delivered from material existence, then why was a brāhma ṇ a’s son made responsible for this offensive act? 1.SB 1.18.18 - Though born in an uncultured low class family, Suta Goswami was qualified to preach SB because of double good association. What was that association? 2.SB 1.18.32 - Who gave a chance for the Age of Kali to enter into the field of Vedic culture? 3.SB 1.18.43-47 - Currently democracy is very much advertised as the best form of government. What form do we suggest? Give few details. 4.Without good Kings the general mass of population will become like what to species of animals? What are the special bad habits of these animals? 5.since it was the desire of the Lord that Parīk ṣ it Mahārāja be put into that awkward position so that he might be delivered from material existence, then why was a brāhma ṇ a’s son made responsible for this offensive act?

22 SB 1.18.15 - Professional speakers make a show of Bhāgavata- saptāha for the sake of family maintenance. For how many days does the Bhāgavata-saptāha performance last? 21 – Of the four Sampradaya’s three are prominent. Which one is less prominent? 24-25 – Give two reasons why was Maharaja Praiksit overwhelmed with hunger and thirst. How does one say “once upon a time” in Sanskrit? 28 – What are the laws of reception in terms of an enemy, give and example, and if the host is poor? 31 – R_________ comes in the mind of a good soul as soon as he c_______ something w_____. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is considered to be the b___ incarnation of the Lord. NOTE: Any things you noticed from Texts 35-50, the end?

23 SB 1.19 The Appearance of Śukadeva Gosvāmī SB 1.19 The Appearance of Śukadeva Gosvāmī

24 64pages/39texts. That's a lot of purports! Mostly we see this chapter as how to ask questions from a saint, how we can approach Srila Prabhupada properly. This chapter finishes Canto One which we see as the preface to the SB. In a writer’s guide we saw a discussion of a Preface. It should include such orientation toward the book as: 1.What is the purpose of the book? 2.Under what circumstances is it being produced? 3.What are the qualifications of the teacher? 4.What are the qualifications of the student?

25 Text 24, 37 & 38 are The Questions. Text 24 - In this verse the King has placed two questions before the learned sages. Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it placed these two questions before Śukadeva Gosvāmī also on his arrival, and practically the whole of the Śrīmad- Bhāgavatam, beginning from the Second Canto up to the last, the Twelfth Canto, deals with these two questions. What are the two questions? Which of them is more important? What are the two questions? Which of them is more important?

26 The first question is what is the duty of everyone in all circumstances, And the second question is what is the specific duty of one who is to die very shortly. Out of the two, the question relating to the dying man is most important Because everyone is a dying man, either very shortly or after one hundred years. The duration of life is immaterial, but the duty of a dying man is very important.

27 2 – At the time of death no one can help us. We must save ourselves. Do our sinful acts in this life also stay with us alone? 12 - How can the worst offender can be forgiven? 17 - Rituals. Which way should the roots of the Kusa Grass face? 2 – At the time of death no one can help us. We must save ourselves. Do our sinful acts in this life also stay with us alone? 12 - How can the worst offender can be forgiven? 17 - Rituals. Which way should the roots of the Kusa Grass face? SB 1.19.4-15 While the King was thus repenting, he received news of his imminent death due to the bite of a snake-bird. He accepted this as good news, for it would be the cause of his indifference toward worldly things. He sat down firmly on the banks of the Ganges and at that time all the great minds and thinkers and sages arrived there. The King humbly told them of his decision to fast until death and said, “ O brāhma ṇ as, I only desire that you all continue singing the deeds of Lord Vi ṣṇ u.” SB 1.19.4-15 While the King was thus repenting, he received news of his imminent death due to the bite of a snake-bird. He accepted this as good news, for it would be the cause of his indifference toward worldly things. He sat down firmly on the banks of the Ganges and at that time all the great minds and thinkers and sages arrived there. The King humbly told them of his decision to fast until death and said, “ O brāhma ṇ as, I only desire that you all continue singing the deeds of Lord Vi ṣṇ u.”

28 Text 4 1.Both Śamīka Muni and the King were self- realized souls. Śamīka Muni was a m_____, and Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it was a d______. 2.var ṇ āśrama-dharma is known also as s________-dharma 3.Deterioration of the ideals of Indian civilization has brought about the deterioration of civic life, not only in India but also _______. Text 4 1.Both Śamīka Muni and the King were self- realized souls. Śamīka Muni was a m_____, and Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it was a d______. 2.var ṇ āśrama-dharma is known also as s________-dharma 3.Deterioration of the ideals of Indian civilization has brought about the deterioration of civic life, not only in India but also _______. Text 6 - According to the Varāha Purā ṇ a when the water of the Ganges is sanctified ________ times, it is called the Yamunā. Similarly one thousand names of Vi ṣṇ u are equal to _____ name of Rāma, and _____names of Lord Rāma are equal to one name of K ṛṣṇ a. Text 8 - Common men go to pilgrimage sites to get themselves purified of all sins. Thus the places of pilgrimage become overburdened with the sins of others. How do the holy places get relief? Text 6 - According to the Varāha Purā ṇ a when the water of the Ganges is sanctified ________ times, it is called the Yamunā. Similarly one thousand names of Vi ṣṇ u are equal to _____ name of Rāma, and _____names of Lord Rāma are equal to one name of K ṛṣṇ a. Text 8 - Common men go to pilgrimage sites to get themselves purified of all sins. Thus the places of pilgrimage become overburdened with the sins of others. How do the holy places get relief?

29 SB 1.19.9-10 like Atri, Cyavana, Śaradvān, Ari ṣṭ anemi, Bh ṛ gu, Vasi ṣṭ ha, Parāśara, Viśvāmitra, A ṅ girā, Paraśurāma, Utathya, Indrapramada, Idhmavāhu, Medhātithi, Devala, Ār ṣṭ i ṣ e ṇ a, Bhāradvāja, Gautama, Gautama: He was the husband of the famous A_____ who turned into stone when Indradeva, the King of the heaven, molested her. A_____ was delivered by _________. Gautama was the grandfather of K ṛ p________, one of the heroes of the Battle of Kuruk ṣ etra. 12 - After all the ṛṣ is and others had seated themselves comfortably the King humbly told them of his decision to fast until death. The King had already decided to fast until death but he expressed his decision to _______________. 13 - Lord Caitanya said that intimate touch with m_____ men, or k______ is worse than suicide for one who desires to go back to Godhead. 12 - After all the ṛṣ is and others had seated themselves comfortably the King humbly told them of his decision to fast until death. The King had already decided to fast until death but he expressed his decision to _______________. 13 - Lord Caitanya said that intimate touch with m_____ men, or k______ is worse than suicide for one who desires to go back to Godhead.

30 14 – Mahārāja Parīk ṣ it, although born in a family of great devotees, the Pā ṇḍ avas, and although securely trained in transcendental attachment for the association of the Lord, still found the allurement of m______ f______ l____so strong that he had to be detached by a plan of the Lord. 17 - The River Ganges is celebrated as the w___ of the sea. The seat of kuśa straw is considered to be sanctified if the straw is taken out of the earth complete with r___, and if the root is pointed toward the ____ it is considered to be auspicious. Facing the _____ is still more favorable for attaining spiritual success. 21 – Where was M. Pariksit specifically going after death? Should we lament the death of a great devotee? Explain. 28 – By what art could he great sages understand that Sukadeva Goswami was honorable? 17 - The River Ganges is celebrated as the w___ of the sea. The seat of kuśa straw is considered to be sanctified if the straw is taken out of the earth complete with r___, and if the root is pointed toward the ____ it is considered to be auspicious. Facing the _____ is still more favorable for attaining spiritual success. 21 – Where was M. Pariksit specifically going after death? Should we lament the death of a great devotee? Explain. 28 – By what art could he great sages understand that Sukadeva Goswami was honorable?

31 How was Sukadeva Goswami dressed? Was he accompanied by many disciples. Explain 33 – A householder who does not bow down before a saint at once must undergo __________________ in order to neutralize the great offense. 35 – We, HpS, remember that this purport was very important in our decision to take Sannyasya. The Lord takes special care of a devotees family, “even if one leaves such family members aside to discharge devotional service.” How was Sukadeva Goswami dressed? Was he accompanied by many disciples. Explain 33 – A householder who does not bow down before a saint at once must undergo __________________ in order to neutralize the great offense. 35 – We, HpS, remember that this purport was very important in our decision to take Sannyasya. The Lord takes special care of a devotees family, “even if one leaves such family members aside to discharge devotional service.” A _______ of milk fresh from the milk bag of a cow is sufficient to feed an adult with all vitamin values, and therefore saints and sages live only on milk. Even the poorest of the householders keep at least ____ cows, each delivering tw____ to tw_____ quarts of milk, and therefore no one hesitates to spare a few pounds of milk for the mendicants. It is the duty of householders to maintain the saints and sages, like the children.

32 This is the end of this Pada-padma, God-father Diploma, study of Canto One. We see a ton of shortcomings in these, but best way to improve your product is to practice. Next we will go to the Second Canto. You should be reciting Verses. This is first year of university, so the work and questions are not as intense as they should be in later Cantos.

33 Module Five Thank you! Hare Krsna!

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