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Jesus, Fully Human A Vision of Real Humanity. Fully Human What does it mean to be fully human? – Made in the image and likeness of God – Jesus, our model.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus, Fully Human A Vision of Real Humanity. Fully Human What does it mean to be fully human? – Made in the image and likeness of God – Jesus, our model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus, Fully Human A Vision of Real Humanity

2 Fully Human What does it mean to be fully human? – Made in the image and likeness of God – Jesus, our model – Intellect and free will – To be loved and to love – Called to be stewards of creation

3 Image and Likeness of God Fundamental dignity – We have value and worth because God made us in His image. This is the basis for human dignity and our claim to human rights no matter how we look, what we do or what others say. Reflection of God in this world – We image God to others in this world – We are the visible face of God to others Jesus as our model – Jesus gives dignity to humankind – Ministers to all people with respect and love

4 Jesus as Model Humility – Did the will of the Father without question – Washed the feet of the apostles Prayer – Models a life firmly grounded in a relationship with God that requires communication – Taught the Lord’s Prayer Poverty – Material poverty Born in a stable Lived simply – Focus on spiritual riches not material wealth

5 Intellect and Free Will Intellect – Think and reason – Make wise decisions – Pursue truths of a higher order Free Will – Conscience Aid to our decision making – Moral decisions Choose freely what to do – Act Of our own will, without coercion

6 To Love and Be Loved How did Jesus love? – Spoke the truth – Healed – Showed mercy – Willingly gave his life for us How does he want us to love? – Love God above all – Love others as he has loves us – Seek the good for others even at our own expense

7 Stewardship Creator’s gift – God’s gracious gift that destined all material creatures for the good of the human race Intended for all – Original gift of God to the human race – All people are entitled to their needs – Right to private property, possessions Call to stewardship – Dominion to care for and use but not to abuse or use for selfish purposes – Environmental protection Earthly goods belong equally to the future humankind

8 1.What does it mean that human beings are made in God’s image? 2.How is Jesus a model of humanity for us? 3.What is intellect? 4.What is free will? 5.How does God want us to use our intellect and free will? 6.How did Jesus model love for us? 7.How does Jesus want us to love? 8.How are we to execute our call to stewardship?

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