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Introduction to US Health Care Text by Dennis D. Pointer, Stephen J. Williams, Stephen L. Isaacs & James R. Knickman with Tracy Barr PowerPoints by Robin.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to US Health Care Text by Dennis D. Pointer, Stephen J. Williams, Stephen L. Isaacs & James R. Knickman with Tracy Barr PowerPoints by Robin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to US Health Care Text by Dennis D. Pointer, Stephen J. Williams, Stephen L. Isaacs & James R. Knickman with Tracy Barr PowerPoints by Robin Pickering Eastern Washington University 14-1

2 Introduction to US Health Care Chapter 14 Public Health Policy 14-2

3 Public Health Services Protection of the nation’s public health is a government responsibility. Public Health Agencies Three core functions are Assessment Policy Developme nt Assurance 14-3

4 The Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) The DHHS and various federal agencies perform several public health functions. Data gathering and analysis, and surveillance and control: The CDC Conducting and sponsoring research: The NIH Providing programmatic assistance to state and local governments 14-4

5 The Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) The DHHS and various federal agencies perform several public health functions. Ensuring the safety of food and drugs: The FDA Ensuring access to health services by aged and poor people: The CMS Providing direct services to special populations 14-5

6 State Health Agencies The state’s role in public health: Licensing health care professionals Inspecting and licensing health care facilities Collecting vital statistics 14-6

7 The state’s role in public health ( contd.) Investigating and analyzing the epidemiology of disease Epidemiology study includes three factors: 1.Incidence 2.Distribution 3.Control 14-7

8 The state’s role in public health (contd.) Observing and managing communicable diseases in the community Registering diseases and tumor information Providing laboratory services Formulating health policy and legislation Analyzing health policy and legislation’s impact Providing community health education 14-8

9 Food safety inspection Sanitation services Investigation and control of STDs Drinking water purification Local Health Agencies Most front-line public health services are provided locally. 14-9

10 Private Health Care Providers Private health care providers contribute to the public health by: Engaging in surveillance and monitoring of diseases Administering immunizations Screening for communicable diseases Offering patient education Coordinating the provision of private and public health services 14-10

11 Federal & State Statues and Regulations Title 21, Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act OSHA Laws The Hazard Communication Standard The Medical Waste Tracking Act The Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogen Standard The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act  State laws differ from state to state, i.e. abortion laws 14-11

12 Researchers conduct surveys comparing the U.S. population to populations in other developed countries. Key indicators are:  Cost  Access  Responsiveness  Infant mortality  Fairness of financing Health Indicators 14-12

13 To classify health systems researchers look at a number of factors.  Degree of primary care regulation  Type of financial access to health care  Whether the health system relies on generalists or specialists to provide primary care Characteristics of the Health System 14-13

14 To determine if a the foundation of a country’s health system is primary or specialty care researchers look at the following factors:  Extent to which the PCP acts as the point of entry into the system  Extent to which the physician provides continuous care over time  Comprehensiveness of the care provided  Extent of coordination of services by the PCP Primary Care or Specialty Care 14-14

15 Copyright Notice © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without express permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information herein. All clipart and photos courtesy of, unless otherwise noted. 14-15

16 Check Your Understanding 1. Public health services focus on preventing disease and promoting health in populations. True or False?

17 Check Your Understanding 2. Federal, state, and local governments are responsible for public health because private organizations lack the resources and infrastructures to perform functions associated with public health. True or False?

18 Check Your Understanding 3. Which of the following is not one of the three core functions performed by public health agencies? A. assessment (understanding community health needs) B. policy development (creating laws regarding public health) C. assurance (implementing laws and analyzing their effect) D. absorption (combining all public health functions into a single agency within individual communities

19 Check Your Understanding 4. Federal and state laws prohibit the participation of private health care agencies to perform public health functions. True or False?

20 Check Your Understanding 5. Federal health law generally focuses on: A. specific regulations regarding delivery of health care to individuals B. the activities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services C. delivery of health care to veterans and members of the Armed Services D. embryonic stem cell research

21 Check Your Understanding 6. The primary concern of OSHA laws is workplace safety. True or False?

22 Check Your Understanding 7. States, in order to meet the requirements of federal regulations, often have the same health laws and regulations. True or False?

23 Check Your Understanding 8. Which of the following are true about health policy in the United States? A. it involves federal, state, and local government agencies B. it includes health initiatives created and implemented by private health care agencies C. it requires enormous expenditures and is funded by various sources. D. a and c only E. all of the above

24 Check Your Understanding 9. The U.S. has no national health policy; all health policies are determined at the state level. True or False?

25 Check Your Understanding 10. Who makes health policy in the U.S.? A. congress B. state legislatures C. federal and state judiciary D. all of the above

26 Check Your Understanding 11. Although the U.S. spends more on health care than any other industrialized country, it also has the highest ranking for all health indicators, including quality of care and infant mortality. True or False?

27 Check Your Understanding 12. The primary physician in the U.S. health system is the: A. specialist B. generalist C. primary care physician D. all of the above

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