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Aligning Instruction: Key Considerations for Quality ELA Lessons and Units North Carolina Department of Public Instruction English Language Arts Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Aligning Instruction: Key Considerations for Quality ELA Lessons and Units North Carolina Department of Public Instruction English Language Arts Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aligning Instruction: Key Considerations for Quality ELA Lessons and Units North Carolina Department of Public Instruction English Language Arts Department Lesson Design

2 Key Considerations for Quality ELA Lessons and Units Participants will engage in instructional strategies aligned to the NC ELA Standard Course of Study.

3 Think about a typical day in the classroom…. How has instruction changed in your classroom since you have begun aligning your lessons and units with the ELA Standard Course of Study?  Think about a typical day or class…  Reflect on a lesson or unit of study…

4 A Composition for Lesson Design

5 Demonstration Lesson Words We Live By: Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution by Linda R. Monk Originally published in New York: Hyperion, 2003.

6 What is (and isn’t) the meaning of “popular sovereignty”? Why does Monk claim that this is the form of government in America? Standards: RI.6-8.4-6

7 Is Lucy Stone confused when she asks “Which ‘We the People’?” Why does Monk say this question has “troubled the nation?” Standards: RI.6-8.5-6

8 What evidence is there in this paragraph regarding Marshall’s claim about the “evolving nature of the constitution”? Standard: RI.6-8.1

9 The Focusing Question for Writing: Explain how the notion of who “the people” were has changed over time in America? Use evidence from the text to support your explanation. Anchor Standards: R.CCR.3-6 and W.CCR.2, 4, 5, 9

10 What did you notice… How is instruction different? How might a teacher plan differently? What might an administrator notice during a walk through?

11 A Composition for Lesson Design Depending on the difficulties of a given text and the teacher’s knowledge of the fluency abilities of students, the order of the student silent read and the teacher reading aloud with students following might be reversed. Academic vocabulary could be introduced as the teacher reads aloud or as part of a brief introduction to the text. 1.Briefly introduce text (i.e. draw attention to time period, author etc.) then have students read text silently.

12 2. Teacher reads the text aloud to students as they follow and draws attention to academic vocabulary. 3. Students reread the text independently or with a partner and summarize (rehearsal / partner reading).

13 4.Teacher asks a series of text dependent questions about the selection. These questions can only be answered by referring explicitly back to the text being read. Good questions often linger over specific phrases and sentences to ensure careful comprehension of the text. These questions serve as scaffolding, sustaining focus.

14 5.Allow opportunities for text-based writing. Returning students to the text as evidence as well as using the text as a guide or mentor text.

15 This lesson…  allows the mystery and the adventure of the text to unfold,  chunks the text in a meaningful way,  includes scaffolding that doesn’t simplify the text and asks questions that require evidence,  and provides keen focus on paragraphs, sentences, and words.

16 One Composition for Lesson Design 1.Briefly introduce lesson 2.Read 3.Reread 4.Ask text-dependent questions 5.Provide opportunities for text-based writing

17 Let’s Explore Exemplars Annotate the exemplar lesson with a partner. Locate each part of the lesson process and note it on the exemplar. Discuss implications for your work.

18 Considerations for Lesson Design and Alignment

19 Tulare County Templates

20 Accessing the Templates

21 Instructional Shifts



24 Instructional Practice Guides


26 Accessing the Guides

27 Revised Publishers’ Criteria Key Criteria for… I.Text Selection II.Questions and Tasks III.Academic Vocabulary IV.Writing to Sources and Research

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