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Seminar on China: The Place and the Peoples A Fulbright Hays Group Projects Abroad 2010 Texas A&M University Participant Responsibilities May 31 to July.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar on China: The Place and the Peoples A Fulbright Hays Group Projects Abroad 2010 Texas A&M University Participant Responsibilities May 31 to July."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar on China: The Place and the Peoples A Fulbright Hays Group Projects Abroad 2010 Texas A&M University Participant Responsibilities May 31 to July 2, 2010

2 Participant Responsibilities/ Pre-departure Attend the pre-departure workshop Respond to the Intercultural Sensitivity Survey (pre-test) Prepare a lesson to share with Chinese teachers during the China seminar

3 Participate in all aspects of the seminar in China Maintain a reflective journal that documents your experiences in China Participate in scheduled group discussions Post responses to the group journal and respond to entries made by others Respond to the Intercultural Development Survey (post-test) Participant in individual interviews. What is the value added component of making this trip? Participant Responsibilities/ China Seminar Experience

4 Write a personal narrative based on a “meaningful experience” in China Design a digital story from the personal narrative to share with others Prepare a unit study on China to share with Texas teachers (DUE: November 1) Participate in the December teacher workshop on China Follow-up interviews at post-trip conference Present at local, regional, national conferences to talk about China Conduct action research in your classroom based on the China experience Participant Responsibilities/ Post China Seminar

5 Participant/Researchers Reports Number and type of students who receive instruction related to China Test of content knowledge prior to teaching about China Test of content knowledge after China Seminar lesson plan is implemented in your classroom Teacher developed assessment embedded in each teacher’s lesson plan based on the China seminar: learning log, student essay, art project, digital story, test Number and description of presentations given and manuscripts published by teachers and researchers, including a description of the audience Workshop evaluations of the China Seminar unit presentations

6 Whom do I contact with questions about the research? If you have questions regarding this study, you may contact Dr. Lynne Walters. Phone number: (281-363-0678) e-mail address: or Martha Green. Phone number (979-862-6700) e-mail address: Whom do I contact about my rights as a research participant? This research study has been reviewed by the Human Subjects’ Protection Program and/or the Institutional Review Board at Texas A&M University. For research-related problems or questions regarding your rights as a research participant, you can contact these offices at (979)458-4067 or

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