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LATIN Appreciation Workshop AM + DG Latin through the Gospels According to St. Mark Session 6.

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Presentation on theme: "LATIN Appreciation Workshop AM + DG Latin through the Gospels According to St. Mark Session 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 LATIN Appreciation Workshop AM + DG Latin through the Gospels According to St. Mark Session 6

2 AM + DG Prayer Before Class Ante Studium Veni, Sancte Spirítus, reple tuórum corda fidélium: et tui amóris in eis ignem accénde. (Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love.)

3 AM + DG Prayer Before Class Ante Studium V./ Emítte Spíritum tuum, et creabúntur. (Send forth Thy spirit, and they shall be created.) R./ Et renovábis fáciem terræ. (And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.)

4 AM + DG Prayer Before Class Ante Studium Orémus: Deus, qui corda fidélium Sancti Spíritus illustratióne docuísti, da nobis in eódem Spíritu recta sápere, et de eius semper consolatióne gaudére. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen. (O God, who hast taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of the same Spirit we may be always truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation.)

5 AM + DG Prayer Before Class Ante Studium V./ Sedes Sapientiae (Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom) R./ Ora pro nobis (Pray for us)

6 AM + DG Recap!

7 AM + DG Rule 1 Just Hentam!

8 AM + DG Rule 2 If still cannot, MYSTERY LOR!

9 AM + DG New Words

10 AM + DG Vocabulary Some New Words quia because; that

11 AM + DG Vocabulary Some New Words Pascha Passover, Easter

12 AM + DG Vocabulary Some New Words illic In that place; there; over there

13 AM + DG Activity Time!

14 AM + DG Grammar Recap!

15 AM + DG Remember! Basic Grammar Sometimes, you’ll need to “fill in the blanks”

16 AM + DG Review Verbs – Past and Future Tense Now, there are no flying pigs (babi) There might have been in the past There could be one in the future

17 AM + DG Review Verbs – Continuous National Service What do people do in NS? running working eating cleaning washing scrubing MCing slacking dreaming hiding sleeping playing

18 AM + DG Review Verbs – 3 rd Person Active There is enough Tea for one person (he drink) Source: If there’s too many, there will be No Tea (they drink)

19 AM + DG Scripture p.41

20 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 Et mittit duos ex discipulis suis, et dicit eis: he sent two discipleshis He said to them (out) of

21 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 Ite in civitatem, Go into the city

22 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 et occurret vobis homo lagenam aquæ bajulans happened you all a manpitcher of water carrying

23 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 sequimini eum Follow him

24 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 et quocumque introierit wherever he enters

25 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 dicite domino domus, quia magister dicit say to the lord of the housethat the master said

26 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 Ubi est refectio mea where refractory

27 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 ubi Pascha cum discipulis meis manducem? where the Passover with I may eat

28 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 Et ipse vobis demonstrabit he to you all will show

29 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 coenaculum grande, stratum: upper dining room furnishedlarge

30 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 et illic parate nobis. therefor usprepare

31 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 Et abierunt discipuli ejus departed hisdisciples

32 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 et venerunt in civitatem: came the city into

33 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 et invenerunt sicut dixerat illis they found themhe had told as

34 AM + DG The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Mark 14:13-16 et paraverunt Pascha they prepared the Passover

35 AM + DG Prayer After Class Post Studium Nos cum prole pia, benedícat Virgo María. Amen. (May the Virgin Mary with her loving Child bless us.)

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