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A Frog’s Life By Sarah Loving Mating Male climbs on back – Amplexus Female lays eggs Male fertilizes eggs.

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2 A Frog’s Life By Sarah Loving

3 Mating Male climbs on back – Amplexus Female lays eggs Male fertilizes eggs

4 The Egg Laid in water or moist places Frog spawn Single cell Yolk divides

5 Embryo Eventually starts to look like a tiny tadpole surrounded by jelly 6-21 days Many get eaten by other animals before they hatch

6 Tadpole Still too young to swim freely Attach them selves to weeds or grass to develop 3 days to 3 weeks depending Once developed they swim freely and feed on algae. Very vulnerable

7 Tadpoles Cont’d Tadpole begins to grow legs Tails shrink Lungs develop Feed on decaying plants, other tadpole eggs and tadpoles

8 Tadpoles again Tail disappears Legs grow in completely Lungs begin functioning Shed skin and lips

9 The Frog Eleven weeks total No tail Lungs Legs Water and land Feeds on insects and worms “Ribbet Ribbet”


11 Other Frog Facts Frogs have teeth on the roof of their mouth, toads do not. Frogs have holes for ears, behind their eyes Some frogs have sticky feet, and some have webbed feet, some have digging feet, and some even have “flying” feet they drink and breath through their skin

12 Frog Life Trivia What is the longest recorded jump? Why do frogs “sing”? How long do frogs live? Are frogs poisonous? What is a group of frogs called? Answer

13 Longest Jump 33 feet, 5.5 inches

14 Frogs sing to… Attract mates Mark territory Signal danger Signal weather change

15 Frogs can live… 5-24 years!!!

16 Are frogs poisonous? Yes, but only if threatened or bitten

17 A group of frogs is an… Army!!!

18 Works Cited tml tml of_frogs.htm of_frogs.htm Images: Google

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