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1 Smart Metering Foundation Stage February 2013. 2 Agenda File Format Changes for Effective Switching Back Population Approach for Effective Switching.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Smart Metering Foundation Stage February 2013. 2 Agenda File Format Changes for Effective Switching Back Population Approach for Effective Switching."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Smart Metering Foundation Stage February 2013

2 2 Agenda File Format Changes for Effective Switching Back Population Approach for Effective Switching New File Type for Smart Switching Implementation Date for Smart Switching

3 3 Impacted File Formats for Effective Switching Phase of the Foundation Stage of SMIP New Allowable Values (NS, S1 & S2) will be added to the following File Types: –Incoming: METER Dataset (ONJOB / ONUPD), M79, M82. –Outgoing: U06, P18, M80, M81, M83, M84, M85, METER, MFX, MEX, S75, M03. No change to existing Validations at File Type and Record Type Level. No Change to Acceptance or Rejection Responses. The Installing Supplier ID field will not be transferred by file flows, therefore there is no impact to file formats.

4 4 Impacted File Formats for Effective Switching Phase of the Foundation Stage of SMIP

5 5 Effective Switching Back Population Approach SPAA Change creating Allowable Values is not implemented until 01/06/2013 Challenges to activity due to the GRP implementation on 8 th /9th June 2013. Back Population proposed using ONUPD* Analysis in progress to look at planned approach for volume of ONUPDs Shippers to provide a sample file for testing * Option analysis requested – report back pending

6 6 New File Type for Smart Switching Phase of the Foundation Stage of SMIP INPUT – –A new reusable File Type and Record will be created to facilitate the transfer of the new SMSO ID and Effective Date data items for the Smart Switching phase. –The SMSO ID and SMSO Effective Date will be mandatory data items within the new record. OUTPUT – –Not planned to have Output files for Foundation. –The SMSO Effective Date will not be played back for Foundation on DES. MDD change proposal to be raised for new Market Participants for SMSO IDs. Values to be agreed with SMSO organisations and Xoserve to ensure values are unique.

7 7 New File Type for Smart Switching Phase of the Foundation Stage of SMIP The File Level Validations: –The SMSO ID will be a 3 character text field –The SMSO Effective date will be standard date format (8 characters) The Record Level Validations: –The SMSO IDs agreed with SPAA will form the allowable values. If a non allowable value is received the following error code will be generated and sent. Suggested code: Error Code: SMO00001 Error Description: SMSO Does Not Exist Note: There will be no validation to check if there is a corresponding Smart value in the Meter Mechanism Code when an SMSO ID is provided

8 8 Implementation Date for Smart Switching Issue with AQ review impacting the planned Smart Switching Implementation Date of 01/10/2013 requiring Xoserve to implement outside of this window. –Proposed implementation in early Sept 13 outside of key AQ Review activities to protect the UK Gas Industry –System changes would be in place in advance of Shipper Licence Obligation to submit SMSO values from 01/10/13

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