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9/9 & 9/10 - 7 th Grade Agenda Collect HW: Metrics Worksheet #3 Lab Safety Stereo Microscope Lab Video: Lab Safety HW: Metrics Worksheet #4 HW: Poster.

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Presentation on theme: "9/9 & 9/10 - 7 th Grade Agenda Collect HW: Metrics Worksheet #3 Lab Safety Stereo Microscope Lab Video: Lab Safety HW: Metrics Worksheet #4 HW: Poster."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/9 & 9/10 - 7 th Grade Agenda Collect HW: Metrics Worksheet #3 Lab Safety Stereo Microscope Lab Video: Lab Safety HW: Metrics Worksheet #4 HW: Poster of Science due 9/14 & 9/15(20 points)

2 Daily Reflection Prompt: Why do scientists use the metric system?

3 Don’t forget to write “Absent” on top of your assignment if you were absent.

4 Don’t forget to work on you poster of Science 20 points Due 9/14 & 9/15

5 Class Reading : Lab Safety Symbols (p.686-687)

6 Safety Goggles Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes in any activity involving ch_____, fl______ or heating, or the possibility of broken gl_______. emical ames assware

7 Breakable Glassware You are working with materials that may be breakable, such as glass containers, glass tubing, thermometers, or funnels. Handle br________ materials with c____. Do not touch broken gl_______. eakable are assware

8 Heating Use a cl_____ or tongs to pick up hot glassware. Do not touch hot objects with your bare h_____. ands amp

9 Electric Shock Avoid the possibility of electric shock. Never use electrical equipment around w______, or when the equipment is wet or your hands are wet. Be sure cords are unta______ and cannot trip anyone. ngled ater

10 Physical Safety When an experiment involves physical ac_____, take precautions to avoid inj______ yourself or others. Follow instructions from your teacher. Alert your teacher if there is any reason you should not part_______ in the activity. uring tivity icipate

11 Reflection Prompt: Write 3 interesting observation you made during the stereomicroscope lab. (i.e. The coin looks like …..)

12 Lab Safety Video

13 Daily Reflection Prompt: Write 3 important Safety tips (In Complete sentences)


15 Here is another way to remember the prefixes Milli- 1/1000 Centi- 1/100 Deci- 1/10 Kilo- X1000 Hecto- X100 Deca- X10 King Henry Does Drink Chocolate Milk

16 PrefixSymbolMultiplierExponential yottaY1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00010 24 zettaZ1,000,000,000,000,000,000,00010 21 exaE1,000,000,000,000,000,00010 18 petaP1,000,000,000,000,00010 15 teraT1,000,000,000,00010 12 gigaG1,000,000,00010 9 megaM1,000,00010 6 kilok1,00010 3 hectoh10010 2 decada1010 1 110 0 decid0.110¯ 1 centic0.0110¯ 2 millim0.00110¯ 3 microµ0.00000110¯ 6 nanon0.00000000110¯ 9 picop0.00000000000110¯ 12 femtof0.00000000000000110¯ 15 attoa0.00000000000000000110¯ 18 zeptoz0.00000000000000000000110¯ 21 yoctoy0.00000000000000000000000110¯ 24

17 For every step upward on the chart you are dividing by 10 or moving the decimal one place to the left.. 100 Centimeter = _____ Decimeter 10? How do we convert from Centimeter to Decimeter?

18 For every step downward on the chart you are multiplying by 10 or moving one place value to the right. 100 Kilometer = _________ Meter 100,000? How do we convert from Kilometer to Meter?

19 The sun is about 150,000,000,000 meters from earth What is another way to write the same number without writing all the zeros? Power or 10 15 X 10 meters 10 ?

20 Powers of 10 10 1 = 10 10 2 = 100 10 3 = 1000 10 0 = 10 -1 = 10 -2 = 10 -3 =

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