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In this tutorial you will learn how to insert different types of clip art into your Power Point presentation. You will need to open either an existing.

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Presentation on theme: "In this tutorial you will learn how to insert different types of clip art into your Power Point presentation. You will need to open either an existing."— Presentation transcript:


2 In this tutorial you will learn how to insert different types of clip art into your Power Point presentation. You will need to open either an existing or a new Power Point Presentation. Once you have set up the basics on your presentation you are ready to start inserting the clip art to enhance your presentation. Step 1: Click on the Insert tab for inserting clip art.

3 The next step will be to select the box that says clip art. This will open a side bar that allows you to start searching for the desired clip art. Step 2: Click on the Clip Art button for clip art menu

4 Once you have located the Clip Art button you, you will click on it to pull up the menu sidebar. Step 3: Menu side bar for clip art You will need to type in a keyword for search. Then click on go. This will bring up a selection of images related to your key work.

5 Now that you have located the menu sidebar, you will need to type in a keyword for the desired images you would like to insert into your presentation. Step 4: Clip art files related to your key word search

6 Finally, you are able to insert the image you have chosen into your presentation. To do this you will need to click on the image. This will automatically insert it into the presentation. It places the image in center of the page so you will need to size and move image to desired location on the page. These are steps 5 and 6. Step 5 & 6: Step 5 Click on desired image to insert into presentation. Step 6 Click and drag corners to size image. Click in middle of image to drag to desired location.

7 So now that you are able to locate the clip art and have the knowledge needed to insert the images into your presentation, the next item is to learn about borders and corners. These are done a little differently than just a plain image. Inserting Borders: To locate & insert borders, type borders as your keyword. Click on desired border to insert it into your presentation, and click corner to drag to desired size.

8 Another type of image that you may decide to enter into your presentation is a corner. The following walks you through inserting the image and rotating it to fit top and bottoms corners. Type in corners for the keyword to locate different images you may use. Click desired image to insert it into the presentation.

9 Corners Continued Copying Image Highlight image, then hold the CTRL button and C button down at the same time.

10 Corners Continued Rotating Image Click on green circle and rotate image to the desired location. Image rotated 180 degrees.

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