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Appropriation et expérimentation des outils d’assurance qualité de l’IUCEA dans l’évaluation des institutions et des programmes de formation d’enseignement.

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Presentation on theme: "Appropriation et expérimentation des outils d’assurance qualité de l’IUCEA dans l’évaluation des institutions et des programmes de formation d’enseignement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appropriation et expérimentation des outils d’assurance qualité de l’IUCEA dans l’évaluation des institutions et des programmes de formation d’enseignement supérieur au Burundi by Prof. BANGIRINAMA Frédéric NCHE-Burundi Ownership and experimentation of the IUCEA quality assurance tools in the evaluation of higher education institutions and programmes in Burundi

2 I. Introduction II. IUCEA Initiatives III. Achievements in Burundi III. Conclusions PLAN DE L’EXPOSE

3 I. INTRODUCTION  Quality assurance means a systematic, continuous improvement of the system,  It is the fact to evaluate, monitor, secure, improve and maintain the quality of a system,  It is a control mechanism by comparing the vis-a -vis reality of the established criteria,  It helps establish stakeholder confidence.  To achieve this, they exist tools but also bodies that ensure compliance with these tools.  The Quality Assurance system in higher education has become a necessity if not a requirement

4 II. IUCEA INITIATIVES The Inter University Council of East Africa (IUCEA) brings together higher education institutions in the region and has it as primary goal to ensure its quality through harmonization of the education system. To achieve this objective, three strategies were adopted, namely: -Development tools ; -The capacity building; -The implementation of these tools.

5 1° Developed a user-friendly quality assurance Handbook for universities 1. Guidelines for Self- assessment at program Level 2. Guidelines for external program assessment Level 3. Guidelines for Self-assessment at institutional level 4. The implementation of a Quality Assurance system 2° Policies documents Framework of Qualifications; Principles and guidelines QA. II.1 Mise en place des outils d’AQ

6 a) Developed a user-friendly quality assurance Handbook for universities At programme level External assessment Self assessment

7 At institutional level Self assessment Implementation of a Quality Assurance system

8 b) Policies documents

9 II.2. Renforcement des capacités  Organizing an annual meeting of Quality Assurance ot practitioners gathered in the Quality Assurance Network in Eastern Africa ( EAQAN ) ;  Sensitization fora organizations of all stakeholders;  Training Coordinators Quality Assurance, three cohorts were already formed II. 3. Implémentation of QA tools  Support the self assessment initiatives at programme level evaluation using QA handbooks developed;  Sending external experts for the programme assessment or institutions that have undergone internal evaluation ;  Harmonization of training programs: MBA, ICT,...

10  Quality Assessment Tool in Higher education institutions adopted in 2012- 2013 was revised in 2014 by the General Assembly of the NCHE (institutional assessment);  Application Procedures for recognition, agreement or accreditation of educational programs/institutions;  TORs for complementary survey for recognition/agreement of the programs;  TORS of harmonization process adopted by IUCEA and used by NCHE- Burundi;  QA Handbook, Volume 1 and Volume 2 of IUCEA translated in French for internal and external assessment of a program;  TORs of higher education institution annual report presentation;  TORs of presenting an academic calendar; III. BURUNDI ACHIEVEMENTS The integration of Burundi in the Inter-University Council of East Africa is very recent but dividends are already palpable : III.1. Development of QA tools by the NCHE

11  Implementation of Quality Assurance structure in HEIs;  A daily tracking sheet teachers benefit to establish a weekly or monthly report;  A summary report based on stages of evaluation of the compilation of content framing sheets internships collected from supervisors and heads of childcare facilities ;  Development of the institution's directory ;  An investigation of the degree of employability and employability of graduates ( Tracer studies) ;  Institution's evaluation reports and programs;  External evaluation reports ;  Development of a strategic plan for the entire institution. III.2. QA Culture d’Assurance at institutional level




15 V. CONCLUSIONS  IUCEA 's initiatives are laudable ;  Regional integration has enabled higher education institutions in Burundi to embark on the quality process.  But the challenges remain enormous, it would : Even encourage institutions to take charge of the evaluation process ;  Continue awareness of all stakeholders and especially teachers to break with the old attitudes ;  Encourage the creation of national QA association;  Encourage institutions to become more involved in culture external evaluation ;  Encourage institutions to conduct their diplomas employability studies to estimate the degree of satisfaction of their partners (studies tracers).

16 THANK YOU Thank you to -Europeen Commission; -IUCEA; -AAU; -LAfrQAN.

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