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W3C Workshop on Languages for Privacy Policy Negotiation and Semantics- Driven Enforcement Report Hannes Tschofenig IETF 67, San Diego, November 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "W3C Workshop on Languages for Privacy Policy Negotiation and Semantics- Driven Enforcement Report Hannes Tschofenig IETF 67, San Diego, November 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 W3C Workshop on Languages for Privacy Policy Negotiation and Semantics- Driven Enforcement Report Hannes Tschofenig IETF 67, San Diego, November 2006

2 Workshop Details 17 and 18 October 2006 -- Ispra/Italy hosted by the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission Webpage: Agenda (including papers and slides): Participants from W3C, research community (e.g., EU funded research project PRIME), companies A few pictures:

3 Our Contribution to the Workshop: Geopriv/Presence Overview Paper Paper Title: “The IETF Geopriv and Presence Architecture Focusing on Location Privacy” Slides: geopriv.pdf geopriv.pdf Authors: Hannes Tschofenig, Henning Schulzrinne, Andrew Newton, Jon Peterson, Allison Mankin

4 Feedback #1: Intended Recipient Not Explicit Without S/MIME the intended recipient of the location information is not explicitly specified. Already raised during discussions: Suggestion: Add text to Geopriv using protocols (in particular to the SIP Location Conveyance draft) to address this aspect.

5 Feedback #2: Sticky Policies only for Loc-Info Basic Geopriv privacy policies (=stick policies) defined only for Location Info Travel always with PIDF-LO Question: Why only available for Location Info? Other information is also privacy sensitive. For discussion: Should we define privacy policies also for PIDF object? Note: The term “sticky policies” is used by the W3C to refer to policies that travel with the privacy sensitive data.

6 Feedback #3: Policy Push vs. Policy Pull Geopriv Basic Policies are pushed to the recipient. Assumption: Recipient acts in the anticipated way (as expressed in the policies) P3P realize a pull principle. Perceived problem: Privacy policies of recipient unknown. For further discussion: –Consider a profiled version of P3P policies as an extension for SIP –Use vocabulary and not protocol framework of P3P –For example: Derive usage from P3P compact policies

7 Next Steps Determine how to process received feedback. Establish a closer relationship with W3C. Participate in upcoming Policy Frameworks Interest Group (PFIG).

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