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I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Vocab., Ch. 22-24 Definitions and Parts of Speech.

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Presentation on theme: "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Vocab., Ch. 22-24 Definitions and Parts of Speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Vocab., Ch. 22-24 Definitions and Parts of Speech

2 Onerous (Adj) DEF: Burdensome; difficult Onerously, Adv.

3 Solicitous (Adj.) DEF: Eager or anxious to do something; showing interest or concern Solicitously, Adv Solicitousness, Noun

4 Trammeled (Verb) DEF: To prevent the something from acting.

5 Palpable (Adj.) DEF: Capable of being touched Palpably, Adv. Palpability, Noun

6 Impertinence (Noun) DEF: The state of being unrestrained within bounds of propriety or good taste; rudeness. Impertinent, Adj. Impertinently, Adv

7 Elocution (Noun) DEF:The art of effective public speaking.

8 Rebutting (Verb) DEF: To contradict or oppose; to prove the falsness of something.

9 Excruciating (Adj) DEF: Very intense, extreme; causing great pain. Excruciatingly, Adv.

10 Retributive (Adj) DEF: Having to do with the receiving or dispensing of reward or punishment. Retributively, Adv. Retribution, Noun

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