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Contemporary Composition Seminar Fall 2012 Instructor: Prof. SIGMAN Thursday 14:00-16:00 Lecture VIII.

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Presentation on theme: "Contemporary Composition Seminar Fall 2012 Instructor: Prof. SIGMAN Thursday 14:00-16:00 Lecture VIII."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contemporary Composition Seminar Fall 2012 Instructor: Prof. SIGMAN Thursday 14:00-16:00 Lecture VIII

2 0. Exam Return [go over Midterm]

3 0.1 Important Dates 11/29: NO CLASS 12/13: FINAL PRESENTATIONS 12/20: FINAL EXAM ( 시험 )

4 0.2 Final Project Description [see handout]

5 0.3. Elliott Carter (1908-2012) Died on Tuesday @ age 103 Assignment: A) Read about Carter (e.g., in Modern Music and After) B) Listen to 1 piece by Carter composed after 1948

6 Recommended Pieces 1) any String Quartet 2) Penthode 3) A Mirror on Which to Dwell 4) Double Concerto 5) Night Fantasies 6) Oboe Concerto

7 Written Assignment (due 11/15 in class) Write 1 paragraph (4-5 sentences) about the Carter piece that you listened to 질문 : What did you find interesting? Was there anything similar to the pieces discussed in class? Anything similar to other pieces that you know?

8 0.8: Contact Info Do NOT send email to my Keimyung address! (Nothing personal: the system is just limited.) ALWAYS use:

9 I. Spectralism

10 A. Spectral Composers: The Itineraire Group

11 0. The Paris “Scene,” early 1970s Messiaen (already old!) Boulez and serialism Musique concrète/electronic music Xenakis a new “voice”/”way” was necessary for the young generation!

12 1. Background French composers in the late 1960s/early 1970s—all students of Messiaen Studied at IRCAMIRCAM Common musical interests New compositional techniques Rejection of serialism/Darmstadt school (Stockhausen/Boulez/Nono etc.)

13 2. Common Aesthetic Goals Explore physicality ( 신제성 ) of sound, using new technologies Use of psychoacoustic/perception research Sounds and processes from nature Unite timbre, harmony, rhythm, orchestration, and form Focus on harmony Focus on clear, linear process New sounds!

14 [Spectrum]

15 Basic Musical Parameters Sound Time

16 3. Ensemble L’Itinéraire Ensemble founded in 1973 in Paris ( 파리 ) by spectral composers Dedicated to performing their music Still active !

17 4. Spectral Composers, Generation I Gérard GRISEY Tristan MURAIL Hugues DUFOURT Roger TESSIER Michaël LEVINAS [Jean-Claude RISSET] All invited to Darmstadt in the 1980s

18 5. Spectral Composers, Generation II [students of Grisey] [born in the 1960s] Philippe HUREL Marc-André DALBAVIE Philippe LEROUX [François PARIS]

19 6. Spectral Composers, Generation III [born in the 1970s] Franck BEDROSSIAN Raphaël CENDO Yan ROBIN

20 7. Influences Ligeti (process and spectral harmony; e.g., Lux aeterna; Atmosphères) Scelsi (process and unifying “third dimension” of sound) Messiaen (bell and bird song transcription; spectral harmony; orchestration) Xenakis (sound physicality; use of electronics/ technology) Later Stockhausen (e.g., Stimmung)

21 II. Gérard Grisey

22 A. Bio (1946-1998) studied with Messiaen Studied in Darmstadt with Ligeti, Stockhausen, and Xenakis Taught at the CNSM (Conservatoire Nationale Supérieure) in Paris Died of a stroke ( 뇌일혈 )

23 B. Les Espaces acoustiques (1974- 85) Literally “acoustic spaces” Cycle of 6 pieces, expanding in instrumentation Derive all material from trombone spectrum Slow, extended processes All pieces connected (played attacca)

24 1. Espaces acoustiques, Part I Prologue (viola solo) Périodes (flute, clarinet, trombone, violin, viola, cello, contrabass) Partiels (chamber orchestra of 18 musicians)

25 2. Espaces Acoustiques, Part II Modulations (for orchestra of 33 musicians) Transitoires (for large orchestra of 84 musicians) Epilogue (for large orchestra of 80 musicians + 4 horn soloists)

26 B. Partiels (1975) Title = “partials” (overtones) Clear “orchestration” of trombone spectrum Extended playing techniques for instruments

27 1. Harmonicity and Periodicity Harmony: Harmonicity-> Inharmonicity-> Noise E.g.: 5mVo 5mVo Rhythm: Periodic-> Aperiodic-> Statistical Rhythm

28 2. Trombone Spectrum

29 3. Spectral Analysis: Orchestrated

30 4. Form and Process

31 Formal Proportions Durations = intervals of trombone spectrum * a constant Sections decrease in duration

32 Process: 3 States 1) “Inhalation” : harmonicity (stability) -> noise (instability) 2) “Exhalation”: Noise-> Harmonicity 3) “Repose” (rest):

33 5. Partiels: Score/Recording m748 m748

34 III. Tristan Murail

35 A. Bio (b. 1947) Studied with Messiaen Also studied Arabic ( 아랍이 ) and Political Science Worked at IRCAM Taught in Paris, Columbia University (New York), and the Salzburg Mozarteum (Salzburg)

36 B. Treize Couleurs du Soleil Couchant (1978) Title = “13 colours of the setting sun” For flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and electronics

37 1. Electroacoustic Technique: Ring Modulation -> harmony: 13 “colours” = 13 harmonic structures Generating interval: 1 Carrier + 1 Modulator Ring modulation = Carrier X Modulator +/- (sum/difference) tones: produced by adding and subtracting fundamental frequencies and pairs of partials from each other

38 2. Electronics Reverb: (increase ensemble sound) Echo: (short delay on piano) Ring modulation: (flute and clarinet)

39 3. 13 Coleurs: Score/Recording DLk DLk

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