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Jenna Ackley Deborah Berryhill Erin Leslie Kelly Lynn Carmen Perez Roshunda Perry Jody VanDyck.

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Presentation on theme: "Jenna Ackley Deborah Berryhill Erin Leslie Kelly Lynn Carmen Perez Roshunda Perry Jody VanDyck."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jenna Ackley Deborah Berryhill Erin Leslie Kelly Lynn Carmen Perez Roshunda Perry Jody VanDyck


4 Report Card & Progress Reports S:Satisfactory (70% or higher) N:Needs Improvement (69% or lower) Papers- S or N, stamps, written comments, stickers. Reading & Language Arts are separate grades.

5 Common Core State Standards Reading: Scott Foresman Language Arts: Scott Foresman “Reading Street” Math: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt “Go Math “ Science: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt “Fusion” Social Studies: Newbridge

6 Will be a separate grade 100% of the Reading grade will be based upon: Phonemic Awareness Phonics/Spelling rules Vocabulary/High Frequency Words Oral Fluency

7 Comprehension – questions often require text based evidence. Students also need to learn how to make inferences. Fresh Reads – passages that students are unfamiliar with. However, they review phonics and test for fluency as well as comprehension skills learned.

8 Children will be encouraged to use inventive spelling Applies spelling rules as they are learned Utilizes grammar and punctuation rules as they are learned Students will also be working on building editing skills

9 Students will be given four writing prompts throughout the year 6+1 traits rubric o Idea o Voice o Sentence Fluency o Conventions o Word Choice o Organization

10 Types of Writing include: Narrative Explanatory Opinion Text Dependent

11 Please review all papers that come home Specific time and place for study Read 10 min. nightly (increase to 20 min. as the year progresses) and record minutes in planner Refer to Take Home folders for nightly homework

12 Homework ideas and information can always be found on the 1 st Grade Website: First Grade Website

13 All parents will be invited to attend at least one conference Conferences will be scheduled before or after school Please sign in at the front office and wait to be called to your child’s classroom

14 Check for Bus # by cafeteria Please ensure your teacher knows how your child will go home the 1 st day of school by Open House A written and dated note is necessary if there is a change in normal transportation Please do not call to leave messages on the phone concerning transportation In the case of an emergency please contact the front office

15 Safety is very important- you must sign in at the front office before visiting the classroom Wear your visitor’s badge Dividend Coffee is September 13 th at 9:00am

16 7:50- 8:05 KNN/Student preparation 8:05-9:40 Reading 9:40- 10:10 RIDE 10:10-10:40 Writing/Soc. Studies 10:40-10:50 Group A Recess 11:25-11:35 Group B Recess 10:46-11:30 Lunch 11:35- 12:50 Math 12:50-1:20 Science 1:20-2:00 CAMP 2:00-2:10 Stack/Pack 2:10 Dismissal (1:20 Wednesday)

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