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 126 Steve Biko Road, Sunnyside Pretoria ZA  Tel: 012 341 8885/081 5433731 

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1  126 Steve Biko Road, Sunnyside Pretoria ZA  Tel: 012 341 8885/081 5433731  Email:

2 13 Years Celebration 2002 - 2015

3  The T.V. program “Special Assignment” compiled an in-depth investigation on young girls living as sex workers on the streets of Sunnyside.  The Investigative Report included:  Numbers, Ages, Circumstances – basically highlighting the plight of these vulnerable girls.

4  Rehabilitate sexually exploited girls aged 12-18 years give them life skills and access to education,  Teach them survival skills,  Offer residential care to vulnerable and destitute girls,  Assist girls in conflict with the law and young girls who are victims of Human Trafficking.

5  Education  There is no future without education  This is paramount to our project  All our girls are enrolled in formal schooling  Government Schools  Private Schools  Hospital Schools for the girls who are expecting or have given birth.  Life Skills to help them in their recovery from abuse  physical, emotional and substance  Residential Care  The best medication to recovery from trauma is a “safer space”

6  Sports  Martial Arts  Soccer  Athletics  Dance  Poetry  Computers  E-Cyber and Rotary Club Hatfield are the main sponsors for computer training classes,  We currently upgraded our computer training centre with the help of Telkom foundation.  Reunification  With either immediate families or extended families where possible.

7  Income Generating  Quite successful!  The girls sew and embroider bags which they sell to visitors, tourists, volunteers  Each bag is unique as it represents the individual’s own personal experiences, thoughts, feelings and aspirations.  This project also provides some stress relief as well as valuable bonding time between themselves.

8  Professional Assessments  Professional Counselling  Therapeutic Programs  Developmental Programs  Exiting Programs  Tertiary Education  Infrastructure

9  The reality of the matter is that the need is so great for a project like this that we are not able to limit our intake age from 8-18 years.  Depending on the individual client, we accommodate younger and older girls at times as interim or short term placements  Especially over weekends and holiday periods  Rape victims  Domestic violence victims

10  SAPS  DSD  CMR  Catholic Women’s League  Other NGO’s  Some are long term placements and others just need accommodation for short periods of time  Some girls are from other provinces and some from outside South Africa.

11  Babies are also accommodated at times:  We have a wall that was erected to save unwanted babies  Some girls come to us already expecting  Some girls already have a baby  SAPS also bring babies in the middle of the night if they are found abandoned, if mothers are arrested, or if it is a case of abuse  These infants and toddlers are immediately referred to New Beginningz Children’s Village, whom are collected within an hour.


13  House Committee  We have a HC which consists of 5 girls staying in the house  They deal with various issues like  Disciplinary Structures  Disciplinary Measures  They have regular house meetings to discuss relevant matters, to raise issues with the Steering Committee if need be, and to voice their opinions and feelings

14  We have the following staff members  1 x Manager  1 x Senior Housemother  1 x Assistant Housemother  1x Volunteer Social Worker  1x Auxiliary Social Worker  1x Intern

15  Board Members  Constitution  Code of Conduct (Disciplinary Code)  Management  House Committee

16  We have a number of volunteers who assist us in various ways  AIESEC (University of Pretoria)  Golden Key (University of Pretoria)  UNISA and TUT

17  THOH is still in operation largely due to the fact that Private as well as Corporate Sponsors have kept us going through countless struggles over the years.  Major Funders include;  Lotto (2012-2013)  Telkom Foundation (Renovations, Laptops and Internet)  City of Tshwane (R 50 000.00)

18  Sustainable Funding  Site development  Transport  Security











29 The End

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