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Dependent Origination and The Four Noble Truths: the Core Teaching of the Buddha January 25, 2016 By Sanu Mahatthanadull, Ph.D. International Buddhist.

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Presentation on theme: "Dependent Origination and The Four Noble Truths: the Core Teaching of the Buddha January 25, 2016 By Sanu Mahatthanadull, Ph.D. International Buddhist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dependent Origination and The Four Noble Truths: the Core Teaching of the Buddha January 25, 2016 By Sanu Mahatthanadull, Ph.D. International Buddhist Studies College (IBSC), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University

2 Dependent Origination  Dependent origination,  Dependent arising,  Interdependent co-arising,  Conditioned arising,  The arising of result depending on a cause,  etc...

3 Dependent Origination The D ī gha Nik ā ya “Wonderful, lord, and marvelous it is, that whereas this doctrine of events as arising from causes is so deep and looks so deep, to me it seems as clear as clear can be !” D.II. 55.

4 Dependent Origination The D ī gha Nik ā ya “Say not so, Ā nanda, say not so ! Deep is this doctrine of events as arising from causes, and it looks deep too. It is through not understanding this doctrine, through not penetrating it, that this generation has become a tangled skein, a matted ball of thread, like to munja-grass and rushes, unable to overpass the doom of the Waste, the Woeful Way, the Downfall, the Constant Round” D.II. 55.

5 Dependent Origination The Sa ṃ yutta Nikāya Whether there is an arising of Tath ā gatas or no arising of Tath ā gatas, that element still persists, the stableness of the Dhamma, the fixed course of the Dhamma, specific conditionality. A Tath ā gatas awakens to this and breaks through to it. Having done so, he explains it, teaches it, proclaims it, establishes it, discloses it, analyses it, elucidates it S.II. 25.

6 Dependent Origination The Mah ā vagga: Conditioned by ignorance are The habitual tendencies... Consciousness... Psycho-physicality... The six (sense-) spheres... Awareness... Feeling... Craving... Grasping... Becoming... Birth... old age and dying, Sorrow and lamentation, suffering, dejection and despair come in to being. V.IV. 1.

7 Dependent Origination Nirodha-v ā ra Samudaya-v ā ra Anuloma Pa ṭ iccasamuppāda Pa ṭ iloma Pa ṭ iccasamuppāda

8 Dependent Origination No.English TermsPāli TermsThai Terms 1ignorance avijjā อวิชชา 2the habitual tendencies sa ṅ khāra สังขาร 3the consciousness viññā ṇ a วิญญาณ 4psycho-physicalitynāmarūpa นามรูป 5the six (sense-) sa ḷ āyatana สฬายตนะ 6awarenessphassa ผัสสะ 7feelingvedanā เวทนา 8craving ta ṇ hā ตัณหา 9graspingupādāna อุปาทาน 10becomingbhava ภพ 11birthjāti ชาติ 12 old age and dying, grief, sorrow and lamentation, suffering, dejection and despair jarāmara ṇ ajarāmara ṇ a, soka, parideva, dukkha, domanasa, upayasa ชรา มรณะ โสกะ ปริเทวะ ทุกขะ โทมนัส อุปายาส

9 Dependent Origination The Vibha ṅ ga: 1. Ignorance : absence of knowledge of the Four Noble Truths. 2. Activities : activity producing good resultant, activity producing bad resultant, activity producing unshakeable resultant, bodily activity, verbal activity, mental activity. 3. Consciousness : eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, mind consciousness. Vbh. 135-138.

10 Dependent Origination The Vibha ṅ ga: (cont.) 4.Mind and matter, mind : the aggregate of feeling, aggregate of perception, aggregate of mental concomitants. Matter : the four great essentials and the material qualities derived from the four great essentials. 5. The six bases : eye base, ear base, nose base, tongue base, body base, mind base. 6. Contact : eye contact, ear contact, nose contact, tongue contact, body contact, mind contact. Vbh. 135-138.

11 Dependent Origination The Vibha ṅ ga: (cont.) 7. Feeling : feeling born of eye contact, ear contact, nose contact, tongue contact, body contact, mind contact. 8. Craving : craving for visible, audible, odorous, sapid, tangible, ideational. 9. Attachment : the attachment of desire, wrong view, wrong habits and practices, soul-theory. Vbh. 135-138.

12 Dependent Origination The Vibha ṅ ga: (cont.) 10. Becoming : 1) Action-becoming Action-becoming consisting of activity producing good resultant, activity producing bad resultant, activity producing unshakeable resultant. 2) Resultant-becoming Resultant-becoming consisting of becoming in the plane of desire, becoming in the plane of form, becoming in the formless plane, perception-becoming, non-perception-becoming, neither perception nor non-perception-becoming, single aggregate becoming, four aggregate becoming, five aggregate becoming. Vbh. 135-138.

13 Dependent Origination The Vibha ṅ ga: (cont.) 11. Birth : birth, genesis, entry, full existence, the appearance of the aggregates, the acquiring of the bases. 12. Ageing and death : ageing, decrepitude, broken teeth, grey hair, wrinkled skin, the dwindling of life, decay of the controlling faculties. Death means decease, passing away, breaking up, disappearance, dying, death, the completion of the life-span, the breaking up of the aggregates, the laying down of the body, the destruction of the controlling faculty of vital principle. Vbh. 135-138.

14 Dependent Origination The Vibha ṅ ga: (cont.) Sorrow Lamentation Pain : bodily pain, uneasy painful experience born of bodily contact, uneasy painful feeling born of bodily contact. Grief : mental pain, uneasy painful experience born of mental contact, uneasy painful feeling born of mental contact. Despair : the state of despondency, the state of despair. Vbh. 135-138.

15 Dependent Origination Commentarial Works

16  The three periods  The four groups  The three connections  The three rounds  The twenty modes  The two roots




20 Dependent origination and the Four Noble Truths The Core Teaching 1 st Group2 nd Group Dependent Origination Dependent Arising Dependent Extinction The Four Noble Truths suffering + the cause The end + the path of suffering

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