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CSE 421 Algorithms Richard Anderson Lecture 22 Network Flow.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 421 Algorithms Richard Anderson Lecture 22 Network Flow."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 421 Algorithms Richard Anderson Lecture 22 Network Flow

2 Outline Network flow definitions Flow examples Augmenting Paths Residual Graph Ford Fulkerson Algorithm Cuts Maxflow-MinCut Theorem

3 Network Flow Definitions Capacity Source, Sink Capacity Condition Conservation Condition Value of a flow

4 Network Flow Definitions Flowgraph: Directed graph with distinguished vertices s (source) and t (sink) Capacities on the edges, c(e) >= 0 Problem, assign flows f(e) to the edges such that: –0 <= f(e) <= c(e) –Flow is conserved at vertices other than s and t Flow conservation: flow going into a vertex equals the flow going out –The flow leaving the source is a large as possible

5 Find a maximum flow a s d b cf e g h i t 25 5 20 30 20 55 5 5 10 20 5 10 5 20 5 5 30 Value of flow: Construct a maximum flow and indicate the flow value

6 Find a maximum flow a s d b cf e g h i t 15/25 5/5 20/20 25/30 20/20 5/5 20/20 0/5 20/20 15/20 10/10 20/20 5/5 20/20 30/30 0/5 0/20

7 Flow Example u st v 20 30 10 u st v 20 30 10

8 Residual Graph Flow graph showing the remaining capacity Flow graph G, Residual Graph G R –G: edge e from u to v with capacity c and flow f –G R : edge e’ from u to v with capacity c – f –G R : edge e’’ from v to u with capacity f

9 Flow assignment and the residual graph u st v 15/20 20/20 15/30 0/10 5/10 u st v 5 15 10 520 15 5

10 Augmenting Path Algorithm Augmenting path –Vertices v 1,v 2,…,v k v 1 = s, v k = t Possible to add b units of flow between v j and v j+1 for j = 1 … k-1 u st v 10/20 15/20 10/30 0/10 5/10

11 Build the residual graph s d e g h t 3/5 2/4 3/3 1/5 1/1 3/3 2/5 s d e g h t Residual graph:

12 Find two augmenting paths st 2/5 0/1 3/4 3/3 2/4 1/3 3/3 2/2 3/4 1/3 3/3 2/2 3/3 1/3 2/2 1/3

13 Augmenting Path Lemma Let P = v 1, v 2, …, v k be a path from s to t with minimum capacity b in the residual graph. b units of flow can be added along the path P in the flow graph. u st v 15/20 20/20 15/30 0/10 5/10 u st v 5 15 10 520 15 5

14 Proof Add b units of flow along the path P What do we need to verify to show we have a valid flow after we do this? –

15 Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm (1956) while not done Construct residual graph G R Find an s-t path P in G R with capacity b > 0 Add b units along in G If the sum of the capacities of edges leaving S is at most C, then the algorithm takes at most C iterations

16 Cuts in a graph Cut: Partition of V into disjoint sets S, T with s in S and t in T. Cap(S,T): sum of the capacities of edges from S to T Flow(S,T): net flow out of S –Sum of flows out of S minus sum of flows into S Flow(S,T) <= Cap(S,T)

17 What is Cap(S,T) and Flow(S,T) a s d b cf e g h i t 15/25 5/5 20/20 25/30 20/20 5/5 20/20 0/5 20/20 15/20 10/10 20/20 5/5 20/20 30/30 S={s, a, b, e, h}, T = {c, f, i, d, g, t} 0/5 0/20 0/5 0/10

18 Minimum value cut u st v 40 10

19 Find a minimum value cut s t 6 6 10 7 3 5 36 2 4 5 8 5 4 8

20 MaxFlow – MinCut Theorem There exists a flow which has the same value of the minimum cut Proof: Consider a flow where the residual graph has no s-t path with positive capacity Let S be the set of vertices in G R reachable from s with paths of positive capacity st

21 stuv S T What can we say about the flows and capacity between u and v?

22 Max Flow - Min Cut Theorem Ford-Fulkerson algorithm finds a flow where the residual graph is disconnected, hence FF finds a maximum flow. If we want to find a minimum cut, we begin by looking for a maximum flow.

23 Performance The worst case performance of the Ford- Fulkerson algorithm is horrible u st v 1000 1

24 Better methods of finding augmenting paths Find the maximum capacity augmenting path –O(m 2 log(C)) time algorithm for network flow Find the shortest augmenting path –O(m 2 n) time algorithm for network flow Find a blocking flow in the residual graph –O(mnlog n) time algorithm for network flow

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