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PPrendiville, ILGA-Europe. Accessing Justice. Brussels. November, 2006. Sexual Orientation Discrimination Challenges? Access to Justice Conference. Patricia.

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1 PPrendiville, ILGA-Europe. Accessing Justice. Brussels. November, 2006. Sexual Orientation Discrimination Challenges? Access to Justice Conference. Patricia Prendiville ILGA-Europe

2 PPrendiville, ILGA-Europe. Accessing Justice. Brussels. November, 2006. Challenges and Barriers Equality on ground of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression still a goal Mainstreaming Developing understanding of how the discrimination operates, is institutionalised and multi-faceted Limitations of current legislation

3 PPrendiville, ILGA-Europe. Accessing Justice. Brussels. November, 2006. Specific exclusions – religious ethos, family definitions Eneven implementation Equality Bodies – varying roles in different countries Huge gaps in the areas of protection Hierarchy of protections Where is the political will?

4 PPrendiville, ILGA-Europe. Accessing Justice. Brussels. November, 2006. Opportunities Definition of Family Harmonisation of judgements Horizontal Directive Clarification of definitions – court decisions Multiple Discrimination Levelling-up of protections Individual court cases World wide movement

5 PPrendiville, ILGA-Europe. Accessing Justice. Brussels. November, 2006. And still…. Rise of homophobic comment/speech/crime Balance of hate speech/free speech Challenge of inclusion in various debates – social cohesion, equality discourse Anti-european Project trend Conflation of religious belief with political ideology

6 PPrendiville, ILGA-Europe. Accessing Justice. Brussels. November, 2006. And yet….. Spain - Belgium US – New Jersey ruling UN – ECOSOC consultative status Solidarity and working with others denied fundamental rights People living their full lives and being included

7 PPrendiville, ILGA-Europe. Accessing Justice. Brussels. November, 2006. ILGA-Europe 10 years ILGA- 1978 Issues of Discrimination vary worldwide. Europe – discrimination certainly still exists Employment Directive

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