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AHOSKA THEMAUYRANEMPIRE. India consisted of many small kingdoms from around 1900 B.C.E. until the founding of the Mauryan Empire around 322 B.C.E. At.

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3 India consisted of many small kingdoms from around 1900 B.C.E. until the founding of the Mauryan Empire around 322 B.C.E. At this time, a nobleman named Chandragupta Maurya conquered all of northern India and set up a strong central government. Chandragupta was deathly afraid of enemies and used his army and spies to protect himself. After Chandragupta died in 297 B.C.E., his son Bindusara and grandson Ashoka succeeded him. Mauryan Empire Chandragupta MauryaMauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya


5 Ashoka at the brutal battle at Kalinga

6 The Mauryan Empire reached its height during Ashoka's reign from around 269 to 232 B.C.E. After a brutal battle in which he conquered the kingdom of Kalinga, Ashoka rejected violence and converted to Buddhism. Ashoka practiced Buddhist values by giving up wars of conquest, becoming a vegetarian, and urging his subjects to respect each other. However, Ashoka still allowed slavery and kept all the land that the Mauryans had conquered. Kalinga

7 Ashoka at the brutal battle at Kalinga

8 One of Ashoka's edicts inscribed on a pillar in Delphi

9 Ashoka created a strong empire by spreading his Buddhist values through messages, or edicts. Ashoka urged his citizens to act morally and responsibly. The edicts also described Ashoka's own efforts to live morally and to maintain peace for his people. Buddhist

10 An Ashokan pillar built in 243 B.C.E. at Lauriya Nandangarth in northeast India

11 Ashoka's edicts were carved on cave walls, rocks, and towering pillars. Skilled craftspeople built and decorated the highly polished stone pillars with Buddhist symbols and animals. The pillars, rocks and caves were located along important roads and at important locations where the greatest number of people would see them.

12 An Ashokan pillar built in 243 B.C.E. at Lauriya Nandangarth in northeast India

13 Ashoka's Edicts (Exerpts): "On the roads...trees have been planted for the enjoyment of animals and men. I have had ponds dug and shelters erected along the roads. Everywhere I have had wells dug.“ "It is good to be obedient to one's mother and father, friends, and relatives. It is good not only to spend little, but to own the minimum of property."

14 "My officers have been appointed for the welfare [safety] and happiness of the...people. I have given them... authority in judgment and punishment. But it is desirable that there should be uniformity [sameness] in judicial [trial] procedure and punishment.“ "This world and the other [the world after death] are hard to gain without great love of Righteousness [correct behavior], great self- examination, great obedience, great effort.“ "If the unconquered peoples on my border ask what is my will, they should understand this: I desire that they should trust me and should have only happiness in their dealings with me."

15 "There is no gift comparable to the gift of Dharma [righteousness, or correct behavior], and this is: good behavior towards slaves and servants, obedience to parents, generosity towards friends, acquaintances, and relatives... and abstention [staying away] from killing living beings.“ "Men who are sentenced to death are to be given three days' respite [waiting period before being put to death]. Thus their relations may plead for their lives, or [the] men may make donations or undertake a fast [not eat] for a better rebirth in the next life."

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