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Intro to Matlab Rogelio Long September 3, 2013. How to access MyDesktop Log in with your utep id and password.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Matlab Rogelio Long September 3, 2013. How to access MyDesktop Log in with your utep id and password."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Matlab Rogelio Long September 3, 2013

2 How to access MyDesktop Log in with your utep id and password Proceed/Install Citrix(wait for the DL)/Continue

3 Why use Matlab? Pros Easy to learn Many built in functions that you may otherwise have to find libraries for Easy to program Cons Not free

4 An expensive calculator Basic numerical operations: +,-,*,/,^ Don’t have to declare a data type Inf Nan Complex ex. -13 + 23.52i

5 Some useful functions Sin, cos, tan, acos, asin, atan Sqrt, exp,log,log10 Floor, ceil, sign, rem,mod Sum, max, min find

6 Vectors a =[2 12 5] row vector b =[3+ 2 5] c =[A 2*B] d= [5;3;7] column vector e = 1:4 f=2:2:8

7 Matrices A = [2,4;5,1] B = [1:4;5:8] C = zeros(3,3) (all zeros) D = ones(4,2) (all ones) E = rand(2,2) (random number between 0-1) F = eye(3) (identity matrix)

8 Extracting a value from a Matrix/Vector a(2)=? c(1:2:5)=? A(1,2) = ? (outputs the value in row 1 column 2) A(3) = ? (outputs the value at index 3 column major) A(2,:) = ? (outputs row 2) A(:,2) = ? (outputs column 2)

9 Logicals true =1 False =0 ==,~=,>, =,<= And & Or |

10 Matrix operations A’ (Transpose ) A^-1, inv(A) (Inverse ) eig(A) (Eigen value ) norm(A) (Norm of a matrix ) diag(A) (extracts the diagonal of a matrix) diag(a) (turns a array into a diagonal matrix) diag(diag(A))(turns the diagonal of a matrix into a diagonal matrix)

11 Size of a matrix/array Size(A) (outputs [num row, num columns]) Length(a) (outputs length of an array)

12 Neat matrix building A = [1:3;4:6;7:9] B = [diag(diag(A)) A;A' rand(3,3)] B(4,4)=12 B(8,9)=3 (set a value out of bounds for matrix B) C = [B b] (adds array b to matrix B)

13 Matrix/vector arithmetic A+B A-B A*B (assuming A & B could bemultiplied) A/B (this is like A*inv(B)) A.*B A./B A^x A.^x Ax = b  x = inv(A)*b or A\b

14 Formats format short “ “long “ “ short e “ “ long e

15 Creating a script/function File/new/script F5 save&run File/new/function function [ output_args ] = foo( input_args ) foo(x) (how to call a function)

16 loops for i=1:2:11 …. end while test is true …. End if true …. else …. end Break (ends the deepest loop you are in)

17 Printing output disp(X) disp(‘some words’) fprintf(‘some words %5.3d \n’, X)

18 Plots x = linspace(0,2*pi, 100) y = sin(x) plot(x,y) title(‘something”) xlabel(‘x’) ylabel(‘y’)

19 Plots color -y,m,c,r,g,b,w,b line styles -,o,x,+,-,*,:,-.,-- plot(…….,‘LineWidth’,number…….,’) grid hold on hold off

20 Viewing a matrix Imagesc(B); colorbar Axis equal tight xa = linspace(-1,1,100); ya = linspace(-1,1,100); [X,Y] = meshgrid(xa,ya); A = (X.^2 + Y.^2)<=0.75

21 3D plots [X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:.1:2,-2:.1:2); Z = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2) Z = -X.*Y.*exp(-2*(X.^2+Y.^2)); Mesh(X,Y,Z) Contour(X,Y,Z)

22 Other stuff diary on diary off diary name (sets a name to the diary file) Help feature demo

23 Exercise fibonacci Create script that calls a function

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