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Reforms at the Local, City, and State Levels. Aim: How did democracy expand during the Progressive Era?

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1 Reforms at the Local, City, and State Levels. Aim: How did democracy expand during the Progressive Era?

2 I. Reforms in the Workplace A. After the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire, safety standards were improvedTriangle Shirtwaist Company B. States created labor depts. and developed workers’ accident insurance and compensation systems C. National Child Labor Committee worked to abolish child labor D. Lochner v. New York (1905) – Ruled that NY law limiting bakers’ hours was unconstitutional (overturned in 1917 by Bunting v. Oregon) E. Muller v. Oregon (1908) – Upheld an Oregon law that limited women to 10-hour workdays in factories in order to protect women’s health

3 II. City Reforms A. Reformers attempted to remove corrupt city bosses and political machines from power (i.e., Tammany Hall in NYC) B. Cities, rather than private companies, took over utilities (water, gas, electricity) C. Some mayors provided work-relief programs, public baths, and parks

4 III. State Reforms A. Governor Robert LaFollette of WI began the direct primary method of choosing nominees for electionsdirect primary 1. LaFollette turned WI into a “laboratory of democracy” and inspired new democratic reforms at the state level: B. The initiative allowed citizens to introduce legislation by signing a petitioninitiative C. The referendum allowed proposed legislation to be submitted to the voters for approval D. The recall allowed voters to demand a special election to remove an elected official from office before his/her term expiredrecall E. Seventeenth Amendment (ratified 1913) allowed for the direct election of senators 1. This helped eliminate political corruption F. Secret Ballot G. Many liberal Western states gave women the right to vote

5 Significant Governors -  Governor Robert La Follette of Wisconsin – helped pass laws regulating railroads, lobbying, and banking. Started civil service reforms, a progressive income tax, workplace inspection, and workers’ comp.  Hiram Johnson of California – railroad reform  Teddy Roosevelt of New York – supported economic and social reform and helped create NYS Tenement Commission.

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