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LSR Subgroup Phone-Meeting Aug. 18, 2009 11:00 am (Arizona Time) Attendance: Kamel Didan Tomoaki Miura Jeff Czapla Armando Barreto.

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Presentation on theme: "LSR Subgroup Phone-Meeting Aug. 18, 2009 11:00 am (Arizona Time) Attendance: Kamel Didan Tomoaki Miura Jeff Czapla Armando Barreto."— Presentation transcript:

1 LSR Subgroup Phone-Meeting Aug. 18, 2009 11:00 am (Arizona Time) Attendance: Kamel Didan Tomoaki Miura Jeff Czapla Armando Barreto

2 Logistics Please use the following info to access the teleconference Room: Toll Free Dial In Phone Number: (800) 510-5860 GUEST – Guest Room Number: 328922 (Please keep this confidential - It is our Dept. code) HOST - me – Toll Free Dial In Phone Number: (800) 510-5860 International Toll Access Dial In Phone Number: (815) 221-1713 Guest Room Number: 328922 Host Room Number: 191785 – @ 9:59am

3 Agenda We'll discuss progress and short-term plans & activities and follow this generic agenda: News/Updates (Kamel) Progress report & second year budgets & logistics ESDSWG activities Prototype Data distribution system feedback Web page updates News from Tomo & Jeff (If any) - LSR subgroup Progress (Kamel) - * SPOT data proposal (not out yet!!!) - Kamel & Tomo - Status of LTDR & MODIS data (Armando) - Status of Continuity and Phenology Cluster maps (Kamel & Armando) - * Data characterization (Jeff) - * LSR and VI continuity algorithms prototyping (Tomoaki & Kamel) - * ATBD (Due End of Second year) - Kamel - LSR/VI subgroup contribution & planning - All - * Work plans due Sep. 09. (Tomo & Jeff) - * File Specifications progress (Kamel/Armando) - Project timeline review - Summary of second year plans/goals (All) - Miscellaneous * : Major item needing attention

4 Updates/News News/Updates – Progress report & second year budgets & logistics – ESDSWG activities Decided we’ll join the REUSE subgroup (Robert Wolfe) – Prototype Data distribution system feedback – Web page updates – News from Tomo & Jeff (If any) Tomo – Focusing ob translation equation N14 versus MODIS Using Veg. – Using spot data s10 to create global CMG Grid (Daily data from AVHRRR/MODIS) – Algorithm- daily data planes – Compare to AVHRR & MODIS – Post-Doc. (Mongolia) Jeff – MODIS – AVHRR comparisons (MATLAB) – Post-Doc (to work on)

5 LSR subgroup progress LSR subgroup Progress (Kamel) Processing system status SPOT data proposal (not out yet!!!) - Kamel & Tomo – Status of LTDR & MODIS data (Armando) – We archived V2 and V3 will be out soon (?) – We characterized the MODIS record – see Armando Montana poster Status of Continuity and Phenology Cluster maps (Kamel & Armando) Montana poster by Kamel (First MODIS based cluster map and 2 nd order continuity equations ) AVHRR based first cluster mapMODIS based first cluster map The clusters are blind homogeneous areas with similar characteristics based on a multitude of ancillary information (Koppen-Geiger, 2006 method). We plan to use them to build the continuity equations between AVHRR and MODIS.

6 Data characterization and continuity Data characterization (Jeff) LSR and VI continuity algorithms prototyping (Tomoaki & Kamel)

7 ATBD ATBD (Due End of Second year) – Kamel UWG – Science advisory panel/group – Kamel & Diane (By end of 2009) LSR/VI subgroup contribution & planning – All The ATBD is due by the end of the second year to be reviewed by the Science Advisory group

8 Year 2 work plans Work plans due Sep. 09. (Tomo & Jeff) Data characterization work plan (Jeff group) Data (LSR) continuity work plan (Tomo group) These plans should help us gage and follow up of progress

9 ESDR File specs File Specifications progress (Kamel/Armando) LSR/VI file specification being modeled after the MODIS CMG VI product – Input from team members to reflect their take and activities » Ex: How to capture & reflect continuity and characterization for example in the file structure – LP-DAAC will provide data distribution system feedback A Phenology fie specification was submitted by MARK Friedl group and is being reviewed – Modeled after the MODIS vegetation dynamic product

10 Timeline Project timeline review Second year activities – shaded area needs completion by end of second year

11 Miscellaneous Focus on ATBD and Alg. Prototyping and V1 ESDR product Work plan Spot prop. Atbd Uwg Alg Oct. ’09 – 1hr. 14 min 44 sec.

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