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The Crummer Bluff Mansions

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Presentation on theme: "The Crummer Bluff Mansions"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crummer Bluff Mansions
Presentation to the California Coastal Commission August 12, 2015 LCP-4-MAL (W 12b) By Sherman L. Stacey, Esq. Gaines & Stacey LLP For Green Acres, LLC Slide 1

2 Why? Why Five Mansions (subdivision)? Why 10,000 square feet?
Why 40’ tall trees? Why only 1.7 acres of park (on top of leach field)? Why $2 Million? Why no visitor serving alternatives? Slide 2

3 Project Inconsistent with Coastal Act
30213 – Visitor serving and recreation shall be protected – Visitor serving shall have priority over private residential – Upland areas necessary to support coastal recreation shall be reserved (a) – Limits land divisions – New development should enhance public access. Slide 3

4 Project Inconsistent with Malibu LUP
2.33 – Priority shall be given to visitor-serving and commercial recreation – New visitor-serving shall be encouraged – Coastal recreation and visitor-serving shall be protected – Priority shall be given to recreational uses not currently available – Property to be Commercial Visitor-Serving (CV-2) – Land divisions to be minimized – Land divisions to minimize impacts to public access. 6.1 – Scenic and visual qualities shall be protected. 6.2 – Scenic vistas from parks are public viewing areas. 6.4 – Vistas of the ocean are scenic. 6.5 – New development shall minimize impacts on scenic views. Slide 4

5 Crummer Bluff Mansions
View Blockage Impacts “Unavoidably visible” -Staff Report p.39 Slide 5

6 View Effects from Scenic Vistas -
Green Acres View Impacts – Visitors, pedestrians and hikers traversing the site trails will have their panoramic scenic vistas altered extensively. Malibu Canyon View Impacts – Travelers heading West on Malibu Canyon Road will have their scenic vistas altered from multiple vantage points. Bluffs Park View Impacts – Visitors and users of Malibu Bluffs Park will have their scenic vista of the Bay almost totally obscured. PCH View Impacts – Scenic views will be impacted on both up coast and down coast sides of Pacific Coast Highway. Slide 6

7 Pepperdine University Crummer Bluff Mansions
Scenic Vistas Perspective Map PCH South Pepperdine University Bluffs Park Malibu Memorial Park Crummer Bluff Mansions PCH North Slide 7

8 Sample View Blockage From Malibu Bluffs Park
Photos from Crummer own EIR Fig Slide 8


10 Crummer Bluff Mansions
Failure to Consider Visitor Serving Alternatives “Lower cost visitor serving and recreational facilities shall be protected, encouraged, and where feasible provided. - Malibu LCP Slide 9

11 Equestrian Center Alternative
A feasible all “Visitor Serving” use. Reduced Visual Impacts: Changing from Residential to a low building profile Visitor Serving Use will also reduce Blue-Water view blockage. Slide 10

12 Crummer Bluff Mansions
Failure to Address Commissioner Concerns raised at February 2015 hearing Fewer Homes Eliminate Lots 1 - 2 Smaller Homes 5,000-6,000 sq.ft. Cluster the homes Limit Landscape Height $2M must be Justified Slide 11

13 Slide 12

14 So Why? Why Five Mansions? Why 10,000 square feet? Why 40’ tall trees?
Why only 1.7 acres of park? Why $2 Million? Why no visitor serving alternatives? Slide 13

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