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Sharing Morning This slideshow is all about our first experience of Forest School on Harpenden common. Even though it was raining hard, we had an awesome.

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Presentation on theme: "Sharing Morning This slideshow is all about our first experience of Forest School on Harpenden common. Even though it was raining hard, we had an awesome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing Morning This slideshow is all about our first experience of Forest School on Harpenden common. Even though it was raining hard, we had an awesome time and can’t wait to do it all over again…hopefully with less rain!

2 We identified lots of different hazards during our time at Forest School!

3 We discovered the beginnings of a den built out of sticks and logs. We thought these might be a hazard if we trip over them!

4 This stump was another hazard - a few of us tripped over it! Oops!

5 We found sharp brambles, holly bushes and even found some mushrooms – we know that we can’t eat these ones though!

6 We discovered that the trees in the woods each have a unique number. This is so that the council can keep watch on the tree’s progress and check that it’s not poorly…..Did you know that trees can get poorly!

7 Sean told us that we can’t go too close to the edge because it has warning signs explaining that it is soft mud – messy! We went over to look at the pond. We decided it’s not the sort of water we would want to swim in!

8 We definitely don’t want to eat these berries! Another hazard here, luckily none of us slipped in!

9 We had so much fun walking along the ropes - a couple of us fell off but we were brave and jumped right back on again!

10 Woahh! Hold on tight guys!

11 Laura tried to get a group shot of Satellite class but she apologised for it being a bit blurry!

12 “1,2,3 Where are you?” “1,2,3 We are here!” We played a great game in the woods of group hide and seek.

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