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COMMUNICATION MODES. SIMPLEX Simplex communication is a mode in which data only flows in one direction. Simplex communication is a mode in which data.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATION MODES. SIMPLEX Simplex communication is a mode in which data only flows in one direction. Simplex communication is a mode in which data."— Presentation transcript:


2 SIMPLEX Simplex communication is a mode in which data only flows in one direction. Simplex communication is a mode in which data only flows in one direction. It is so because most modern communication require a two-way interchange of data and information on this mode of transmission is not as popular as it once was. It is so because most modern communication require a two-way interchange of data and information on this mode of transmission is not as popular as it once was.

3 HALF-DUPLEX Half duplex data transmission means that data can be transmitted in both directions on a signal carrier, but not at the same time. Half duplex data transmission means that data can be transmitted in both directions on a signal carrier, but not at the same time. For example on a local area network using a technology that has half- duplex transmission, one workstation can send data on the line and immediately receive data on the wire from the same direction. For example on a local area network using a technology that has half- duplex transmission, one workstation can send data on the line and immediately receive data on the wire from the same direction.

4 Examples of half- duplex

5 FULL- DUPLEX The fastest directional mode of communication is full- duplex. The fastest directional mode of communication is full- duplex. Here data is transmitted in both direction simultaneously on the same channel. Here data is transmitted in both direction simultaneously on the same channel.

6 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Electronic commerce, commonly known as [electronic marketing consists of the buying and selling of products or service over electronic systems such as the internet and other electronic systems. Electronic commerce, commonly known as [electronic marketing consists of the buying and selling of products or service over electronic systems such as the internet and other electronic systems. Examples are: the internet and computers networks. Examples are: the internet and computers networks.

7 NETWORKS A network is a way of connecting several computers together. So that they all have access to files, programs, printers, and other resource. Networks solve the problems of information exchange and resource sharing. Some types of networks are:

8 LAN Lan is also known as [ local area network]. Lan is also known as [ local area network]. Computers that are within a few thousand feet of one another are physically connected with cables.

9 WAN Wan is also known [ wide area network] Wan is also known [ wide area network] Computers that are hundreds of miles apart and are connected by ‘ telephone’/ digital lines or satellites. Computers that are hundreds of miles apart and are connected by "telephone" /digital lines or satellites


11 BIBLIOGRAPHY Firstly we would like to thank god for giving us the strength to complete this project successfully. Firstly we would like to thank god for giving us the strength to complete this project successfully. Information for this project on communication modes were taken from the internet. Information for this project on communication modes were taken from the internet.

12 COMMUNICATION MODES This project on communication modes was done by: VIJAY RAMKISSOON AND STEFFON PRATICE. This project on communication modes was done by: VIJAY RAMKISSOON AND STEFFON PRATICE.

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