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Proceedings of the “Remote Sensing of the Inner Heliosphere – Aberystwyth Workshop” 05-08 May 2009 to appear in Solar Physics (Sol. Phys. Editor: Lidia.

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Presentation on theme: "Proceedings of the “Remote Sensing of the Inner Heliosphere – Aberystwyth Workshop” 05-08 May 2009 to appear in Solar Physics (Sol. Phys. Editor: Lidia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proceedings of the “Remote Sensing of the Inner Heliosphere – Aberystwyth Workshop” 05-08 May 2009 to appear in Solar Physics (Sol. Phys. Editor: Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi) Remote Sensing Workshop – Aberystwyth – May 2009 Mario M. Bisi ( Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive #0424, La Jolla, 92093-0424 CA USA

2 A Solar Physics Special Edition (1) From my discussions with Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi (  Each volume is expected to contain approximately 15 papers.  Each volume should ideally be around 220 pages in total.  Smaller editions are allowed, but the above specifics are preferred!  Completely free for the authors to publish including no page/colour or movie charges; only charges would be for reprints if required.  Reprint charges estimated: 0.15 EUR/page (includes tax/shipping); for ~220 pages means ~33 EUR/copy and a 10% discount can be given if all copies are shipped to a single address.

3 A Solar Physics Special Edition (2) From my discussions with Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi (  There will be two Guest Editors: Mario M. Bisi and either Andrew R. Breen or Richard A. Fallows (TBD).  Works will likely include those presented/discussed at the workshop plus those which occur immediately as a result of the Workshop, e.g. the EISCAT tomography could be a good example here depending on progress.  Likely deadline for submission would be Autumn 2009 and publication in early-mid 2010 (depending on referee time needed).

4 A Solar Physics Special Edition (3) From my discussions with Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi (  Proceedings can contain up to ONE review paper and may have a preface (likely written by the workshop organisers).  Authors would firstly submit their abstracts, author lists, and suggested referees several months ahead of the paper-submission deadline to Solar Physics – ALL papers are refereed as normal!  For papers where one or more of the Guest Editors is an author, the paper will then be primarily worked on by Lidia and her Associate Editor, Cristina Mandrini.  Much flexibility – provided we communicate well with Lidia!

5 Summary  So, what’s needed today: we need to know as accurately as possible the number of papers, the length of each paper, a title for the special issue, the broad topic discussed in the special issue, and whether or not the timeline sounds feasible?  Guest Editors would work closely with Lidia to approve papers and have some teleconferences to be sure the proceedings are completed in a timely manner, i.e. chasing referees/authors etc…  Workshop organisers need to put together a brief proposal ASAP to Lidia which will include a small abstract for the proceedings – Lidia is already keen to publish, so this is almost a formality! N.B. As a requirement to EOARD funds, a proceedings volume is mandatory!

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