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TEAM COMPETITION 2: PROBLEM SOLVING Name of Presenter and Job Title.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM COMPETITION 2: PROBLEM SOLVING Name of Presenter and Job Title."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM COMPETITION 2: PROBLEM SOLVING Name of Presenter and Job Title

2 C.O.M.P.E.T.E. TO WIN  Communicate with opposition  Organise fixture details  Manage any problems  Play  Entertain opposition  Thank officials  Enter results promptly

3 PRESENTATION PREVIEW  Match Day - Potential Problems  The Morning After  Knockout Competitions

4 MATCH DAY  Be in on time  Be available / contactable  Mobile phones  Be available until at least the start of the last match of the day  Reconfirm matches in bad weather

5 POTENTIAL PROBLEMS However, no matter what you do something can always go wrong…  Facility problems  Umpire / referee call-offs  Changes in weather  Knackered transport  Epidemics  Disaster on a biblical scale

6 BUSA REGULATIONS You MUST know the BUSA Regulations  General Regulations  Premier League Regulations  Playing under Protest  Knockout Regulations  Sports Specific Regulations

7 THE MORNING AFTER  After fixtures make sure you’re in on time and tie up any loose ends, including making sure results are in.  You may find that there have been some problems with some of your fixtures.  If there have been problems you need to ascertain the following:  What is the problem?  Have any regulations been broken?  Can I solve the problem?  Does the BUSA Office need to be involved?

8 EXAMPLE  What is the problem?  The opposition had a member of staff refereeing a Tier 2 football match.  Have any regulations been broken?  It depends if the referee was qualified, in Tier 2 neutrality is not an issue.  Can I solve the problem?  I need to know if the referee was qualified – I’ll contact the opposition  Does the BUSA Office need to be involved?  If the referee is not qualified, then I can involve the BUSA Office.

9 WALKOVERS  What is a Walkover?  Are all walkovers the same?  BUSA wants teams to play sport  Notify opposition & BUSA Office in writing  KNOW THE REGULATIONS

10 KNOCKOUT COMPETITIONS (1) 5 Knockout Competitions  Championship  Shield  Plate  Trophy  Vase

11 KNOCKOUT COMPETITIONS (2)  League Winners – with some exceptions  Regulations - Tie on points, Walkovers, officials etc.  How to handle postponements  Be Prepared - Look ahead

12 KNOCKOUT COMPETITIONS (3)  Season’s Information / BUSA Website  Championship draw may be seeded  Semi-Finals – where? Redrawn or not?  Finals – hosts and venues

13 HOW TO HAVE A BADGER OF A YEAR...  Be available to clubs and colleagues  Ask for help if you need it  Delegate effectively  Get to know your captains  Educate, support and encourage  Read the handbook! (dull as it is…)

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