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California Department of Justice Bureau of Forensic Services

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1 California Department of Justice Bureau of Forensic Services
Evidence Packaging: A How-To Guide Terry Spear, John Rush, Jerry Massetti, Jim Weigand and Mark Traughber California Department of Justice Bureau of Forensic Services

2 Goals of Evidence Packaging
Protects personnel from possible hazards associated with evidence: __________ firearm discharge Biohazards _________ objects _________ hazards associated with exposure to ______ Wet _____ material

3 Goals of Evidence Packaging
Protects evidence against: _______ _________________ Cross-transfer __________ to victim Victim to _____________ _________ to scene Item to ____________ Deterioration

4 Goals of Evidence Packaging
Correctly identifies evidence with respect to: Evidence ________: Evidence _________ What is it? ______ – where was evidence when it was collected Custodial Agency _____________________ Provides a unique identifier so it cannot be confused with any other evidence item Laboratory case and item number

5 Elements of packaging evidence
What type of packaging is optimal? Plastic: What type of plastic? • _____________ _________ Paper •___________ ________ •______________

6 Sometimes Paper Containers are Optimal: Biological Samples
Allows a sample that is not completely ____ to finish drying and May prevent the deterioration of a ________ sample if it is not completely dry when packaged

7 What Happens When Biological Evidence is Wet?
Evidence “_____” through to the exterior of the container, resulting in: Sample __________ Sample ______ Contamination issues

8 Elements of Packaging Evidence
Does evidence require internal packaging? ______ _____ ________ _____ ______ _______ Syringe tube/”_____” container

9 Glass Fragments Deposited into Large Envelope
Small glass fragments can be lost from poorly sealed envelopes Ideally, these fragments would be packaged into a _______ first

10 Sealing Evidence Sealing evidence properly is a requirement of most crime labs Issues: ___________ of seal Need for __________ mark Where _______is to be placed

11 Sealing Evidence Ways evidence can be sealed
All seals must be ______ to document the person sealing the evidence and ____ to indicate when the evidence was sealed

12 How Not to Seal Evidence
Seal should ________ seal envelope flap

13 How to Correctly Seal Evidence
Tape seal across _____ flap of envelope Seal is _____ and _____

14 Biological Evidence

15 Packaging Biological Evidence
Insure the sample is _____ Do not dry in a _______ air stream Use ______ containers ________ evidence when necessary “_______”: knifes, broken glass when stain could be dislodged

16 Recommendations for Collection of Biological Evidence
______ and _______ stains separately--do not allow separate stains to come into contact with one another Sheets of ______ can be used to minimize contact of stains on a bloodstained garment Consider packaging all biological samples _________ A bloodstain swab and its control can be separately packed into two coin envelopes and then both envelopes can be placed into the same larger envelope

17 Packaging a Wet Bloodstain on a Swab
After samples are _____, package the bloodstain sample and the control into separate coin ________

18 Packaging Bloody Clothing
Place ________ between stained areas so as to prevent stain _________

19 How to Properly Package a Bloody Knife
Use a ________ box (not airtight) _________ knife to protect both personnel & the blood sample on blade

20 Packaging Trace Evidence
Items must be ____________ examined and trace evidence identified Trace evidence can be removed with ______ and placed into appropriate packaging Trace evidence can also be removed with ____ _____ Packaging must be appropriately sized & designed so that this small evidence cannot _____ _____of the container

21 Glass Fragments Glass fragments are small and can be lost from _____ sealed envelopes

22 First Step: Placing Glass Evidence into a Bindle
The glass is _______ and placed into a paper bindle. The _____ is then sealed before it is inserted into an _______.

23 Firearms Evidence

24 Packaging Firearms Evidence
Record all necessary information about _________ of firearm: Position of ______, _____, & other controls Number and location of _____ and _____ cartridges Presence of powder residue “_____” on revolver cylinder face _____ or _____ evidence visible on gun exterior

25 Handling Firearms Evidence
This weapon is loaded and ready to fire _______________ ______________ Remove the ______ & make sure chamber is _______

26 Handling Firearms Evidence
Once the firearm has been _______ safe, it can be placed into a cardboard box and ___________ with a plastic tie Make sure the tie goes _______ the trigger

27 Handling Firearms Evidence
Fired bullets need to be carefully handled to protect _____ _______on the bullet surface and any adhering ____ evidence Do NOT mark bullet

28 Drug Evidence

29 Packaging Drug Evidence
Drug Evidence Packaging needs to accommodate: ______ characteristics of drug evidence: Different drugs have different possible health hazards to personnel handling exhibits • S o m e d r u g s are very _______ in small amounts •_________samples _______ Multiple forms •Powders, sticky tar, residues, plant material

30 Appropriate Packaging Materials for Some Drug Evidence
______ pouches Safely contain most drug evidence & protect personnel against unnecessary _______ Need to be _____ sealed Airtight Not good for fresh ______ material

31 Choose an Appropriate Sized Container
Do not place a _____ amount of powder in container that is too _____ Powder is difficult to recover because _________ charge causes it to disperse and cling to plastic surfaces

32 Inappropriate Packaging Materials
Do not use sealed ___________ containers to package _____ or _____ plant material - Evidence can get moldy Use ______ envelopes or bags– They allow fresh plant material to ____

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