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European History REVIEW GAME. Question 1 In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue from Spain looking for?

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1 European History REVIEW GAME


3 Question 1 In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue from Spain looking for?

4 Answer A northwest passage to Asia to being spices back to Spain

5 Question 2 Nations from this continent wanted to find ocean routes to reach places in Africa and Asia.

6 Answer Europe

7 Question 3 The three G’s of exploration are……

8 Answer Gold Glory God

9 Question 4 Name three continents that were affected by European colonization

10 Answer North America South America Asia Africa Antarctica Australia

11 Question 5 I am a Portuguese prince and I began the age of European exploration. Who am I?

12 Answer Prince Henry the Navigator

13 Question 6 The most interesting thing about Henry the Navigator is that he never…

14 Answer Never went on any of his voyages. He funded (paid for) them.

15 Question 7 The main reason for European exploration by explorers such as: Henry the Navigator, Columbus, Magellan, DeGama, Cabot, and Champlain.

16 Answer Finding a shorter passage to Asia. Everyone wanted to trade with Asia for their spices!!!

17 Question 8 The sun never set on which empire?

18 Answer British

19 Question 9 How did religion play a role in European exploration?

20 Answer Europeans wanted to spread Christianity to the new regions. European explorers and settlers often saw themselves as doing the will of God as well as serving their king or queen.

21 Question 10 A feeling of extreme pride in your country and a willingness to die for it is called?

22 Answer Nationalism

23 Question 11 World War I lasted from _____-_____.

24 Answer 1914-1918

25 Question 12 World War I was won by which alliance?

26 Answer Allied Powers

27 QUESTION 13 What started World War II?

28 Germany’s invasion of Poland

29 QUESTION 14 What is genocide?

30 The planned killing of a race of people

31 QUESTION 15 The Russian revolution was started because…..

32 They did not have enough supplies for the war: food, weapons, money, etc.

33 Question 16 This picture shows the British empire. A strategy when a country tries to put other countries/territories under its political control was one of the main causes of World War I. It is known as _____.

34 Answer Imperialism

35 Question 17 What was one effect of the worldwide depression?

36 Answer No jobs! No money! Lost property!

37 Question 18 The killing of millions of innocent Jewish people by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during WWII is called?

38 Answer The Holocaust

39 Question 19 Although Portugal began the age of European exploration. This empire was the most powerful in Europe during the Industrial Revolution at the end of the 18 th Century?

40 Answer British Empire

41 Question 20 Look at the two pictures below. What do you think they are illustrating

42 Answer End of World War I and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles

43 Question 18 As a result of Germany losing World War I this political party rose to power and Adolf Hitler was it’s leader.

44 Answer Nazi party (National Socialist German Workers Party)

45 Question 19 What made the Cold War “cold”?

46 Answer No actual physical fighting. They were threats, arguments, and competitions.

47 Question 20 From WWII, two superpowers emerged. Which two countries were these?

48 Answer Soviet Union USA

49 Question 21 What was the main reason for the Cold War?

50 Answer Government systems: Democracy vs. Communism

51 Question 22 This image shows the people of Germany able to move freely from East to West when this wall came crashing down. What is the name of the wall that fell in 1989, symbolizing an end to Communism in Europe.

52 Answer The Berlin Wall

53 Question 23 What kind of government was established when the Russian Revolution occurred in Eastern Europe?

54 Answer Communist government

55 Question 24 Which country was forced to take full responsibility for World War I and sign the Treaty of Versailles?

56 Answer Germany

57 Question 25 Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union (USSR) that many believed would lead to war was known as the _____ _____.

58 Answer The Cold War

59 Question 26 The two countries that would emerge as Superpowers from World War II were ___ and ___ because they both had nuclear weapons.

60 Answer United States and the Soviet Union (USSR)

61 Question 27: What effect did the Holocaust have on the world?

62 Answer Genocide was established as a crime Israel was created out of Palestine

63 Question 28 What are the four countries in Europe that created empires due to exploration starting in the 15 th Century and continuing into the 18 th Century?

64 Answer Portugal, Spain, France, and the Great Britain(UK)

65 29. Before the United States joined the WWII, the Allies were Britain, France and _____.

66 China

67 30. How many Jews were killed during the Holocaust?

68 Answer:  6 million!!!!!

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