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Leslie Marshall English 250. o Style of art that explores the aspects of daily life through forms of Dadaism. o Developed in England during the 1950s.

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Presentation on theme: "Leslie Marshall English 250. o Style of art that explores the aspects of daily life through forms of Dadaism. o Developed in England during the 1950s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leslie Marshall English 250

2 o Style of art that explores the aspects of daily life through forms of Dadaism. o Developed in England during the 1950s and gained popularity in the United States during the 1960s. o Can reflect contemporary reality and provoke cultural change by merging the gap between fine arts and media through advertising and commercial arts.

3 o Artists began undertaking the designs of the commonplace promotions. o Advertising and media gave artists new subjects to formulate into their bold, splashy style. o Brand name essentials became iconic symbols for the era. Example: Campbell’s Soup, Pepsi, Coca-Cola.

4 32 Campbell’s Soup Cans Andy Warhol.

5 Pepsi Ad Andy Warhol.

6 o Popular art increased the demand for consumer goods and mass media programming. o Kitsch: art that imitates the superficial side of creativity and is industrially produced. Example: Coca-Cola. o Social barriers of the classes shifted, due to the shared common interest in mass produced commodities.

7 100 Coca-Cola Bottles. Andy Warhol.

8 o “Pop Art” – popular, transient, expendable, low cost, mass-produced, young, witty, sexy, glamorous, big business.” o Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes Different So Appealing, and Swingeing London ‘67. o Works reveal the bias interpretation of media.

9 Swingeing London ‘67. Richard Hamilton.

10 o Assembly-line style of creating large-scale, silk screen paintings. o 32 Campbell’s Soup and Brillo Boxes. o Instigated the cult celebrity following and love of the infamous. Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Kennedy, Elvis, and Mick Jagger

11 Brillo Boxes Andy Warhol.

12 Jackie and Marilyn Andy Warhol.

13 o Paintings smudged the insignificant images with impressionist features. o He revolutionized art with pieces like Flags and Ballantine Ale Cans. o His pieces were able to combine the trivial imagery of everyday life with high art.

14 Ballantine Ale Cans Jasper Johns

15 o Reflected in hallmarks such as fashion, architecture, media and museum exhibitions. o Has been most recently displayed in Obama’s Hope, campaign posters designed by Shephard Fairey.

16 Barack Obama Hope Shephard Fairey.

17 o Created a style that discovered the irony of common objects in daily life and bring about social change. o Was able to challenge the distinction the difference between fine art and industrial produced designs. o Artists were able to reflect contemporary reality.

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