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Jeopardy Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Q 16Q 11Q 21 Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 8 Q 13 Q 18 Q 23 Q 9 Q 14 Q 19Q 24 Q 10 Q 15 Q 20Q 25 Food Chains Vocabu- lary Life Cycles.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Q 16Q 11Q 21 Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 8 Q 13 Q 18 Q 23 Q 9 Q 14 Q 19Q 24 Q 10 Q 15 Q 20Q 25 Food Chains Vocabu- lary Life Cycles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Q 16Q 11Q 21 Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 8 Q 13 Q 18 Q 23 Q 9 Q 14 Q 19Q 24 Q 10 Q 15 Q 20Q 25 Food Chains Vocabu- lary Life Cycles Biomes Adapta- tions

2 Question 1 An organism that eats anything it can find.

3 Answer 1 What is – a scavenger?

4 Question 2 A word that means “several populations living in the same area.”

5 Answer 2 What is – community ?

6 Question 3 A word that means “an organism which makes its own food.”

7 Answer 3 What is – a producer ?

8 Question 4 An animal’s role in the community.

9 Answer 4 What is – a niche ?

10 Question 5 A word that means “all members of a species have died out.”

11 Answer 5 What is – extinction ?

12 Question 6 The type of development when an organism does not change from birth to adult except in size.

13 Answer 6 What is – direct development ?

14 Question 7 The type of development when an organism goes through stages and changes.

15 Answer 7 What is – metamorphosis ?

16 Question 8 The number of stages in metamorphosis.

17 Answer 8 What is – four ?

18 Question 9 The butterfly stage that is a dormant stage.

19 Answer 9 What is – pupa-chrysalis ?

20 Question 10 The stage of a frog following the egg.

21 Answer 10 What is – tadpole ?

22 Question 11 This always begins a food chain.

23 Answer 11 What is –the producer ?

24 Question 12 The energy source in all food chains.

25 Answer 12 What is – the sun ?

26 Question 13 This is when food chains overlap.

27 Answer 13 What is – a food web ?

28 Question 14 The name given to a meat eater.

29 Answer 14 What is – a carnivore ?

30 Question 15 The organism which helps enrich the soil.

31 Answer 15 What is – a decomposer ?

32 Question 16 The forest biome includes these trees that lose leaves.

33 Answer 16 What is – deciduous trees ?

34 Question 17 This biome supplies large amounts of oxygen.

35 Answer 17 What is – the rain forest ?

36 Question 18 This biome has extremes in temperature.

37 Answer 18 What is – the desert ?

38 Question 19 This biome includes bogs, marshes and swamps.

39 Answer 19 What is – wetlands ?

40 Question 20 This biome includes savannahs and prairies.

41 Answer 20 What is – grasslands ?

42 Question 21 The adaptation which allows an animal to be dormant.

43 Answer 21 What is – hibernation ?

44 Question 22 The adaptation which includes any body part or physical change.

45 Answer 22 What is – structural adaptation ?

46 Question 23 The adaptation which requires watching another in order to survive.

47 Answer 23 What is – learned behavior ?

48 Question 24 The adaptation which involves seasonal movement.

49 Answer 24 What is – migration ?

50 Question 25 The adaptation which is inborn in animals.

51 Answer 25 What is – instinct ?

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