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How Important is Pink? Values in Medicine. Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Pink Facts In ESA 2 (2013), pink made up >25% of the marks 2/20 questions.

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Presentation on theme: "How Important is Pink? Values in Medicine. Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Pink Facts In ESA 2 (2013), pink made up >25% of the marks 2/20 questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Important is Pink? Values in Medicine

2 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Pink Facts In ESA 2 (2013), pink made up >25% of the marks 2/20 questions were >80% pink You cannot pass exams without knowing pink Pink definitions can make the difference between passing and failing…

3 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Breakdown after our 1 st year… yours will be different, but similar… We hadn’t done values yet…. These guys got allocated as much weighting as the ‘Blue/Science’ modules This is assessed in OSCE’s as much as written exams…. Don’t worry about IPLP

4 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Applying what you have been taught so far, to clinical scenarios… A sample mini written exam question….

5 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Mrs A has come to your GP surgery complaining of polyuria. You take a history and suspect she may have Diabetes, name 2 other symptoms you would look for to help confirm your diagnosis… [2 mark] -Polydypsia -‘Pear Drop’ breath -Weight loss -Vomiting -Nausea -Fatigue -Others….?

6 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 What is the function of Somatostatin in Diabetes? [1 mark] -Strong inhibitor of insulin and glucagon

7 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 What is the function of Somatostatin in the Gastrointestinal Tract? [1 Mark] -Inhibits Gastrin Release -Inhibits Acid Secretion See Dave’s table from last week….

8 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 What is the defect in MODY 6? [1 mark] -Chromosome 2q, Neurogenic differentiation 1 / b-cell e-box transactivator 2 DO NOT WORRY YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW THIS!!!!

9 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 It appears Mrs A has a learning difficulty. When working as a clinician you have to make ethical judgments. Principles can be used as a approach to ethical reasoning. What two other approaches can be used? [2 Marks] -3 Ps: -Principles -Particulars -Perspectives

10 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Principles can be derived from Moral theories or Professional codes. Name 2 sources of professional codes. [1 mark] -Hippocratic Oath -Declaration of Geneva -Declaration of Helsinki -Duties of a Doctor GMC

11 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 You need a blood sample from Mrs A. She has said yes, however on explaining the procedure you are not sure she has fully understood the information. Is this valid consent? Explain your answer. [2 mark] No Three factors for valid consent 1.Capacity 2.Information 3.Voluntariness She has not understood the information so she cannot consent. Also as she has a learning difficulty she may not have the capacity to give consent. Points to Note: If you just said no you would get no marks Also it is a two mark question so give two justifications do not assume you get one mark for saying no and one mark for justifying it.

12 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Top Tips for Pink in Exams -Do not panic -Easy marks come from writing definition (even if its not explicitly asked for) -If all else fails guess!! (in SAQ there is no negative marking – not certain about your MCQs) -If you don’t learn pink you cannot pass -In pink be specific (strict marking) -Give examples to explain your answer -You will never know everything don’t waste time learning small facts

13 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Confidentiality As we have some time. Lets go through confidentiality

14 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 Think about the following scenarios. Are there any concerns over confidentiality? A. Over a supper, a doctor tells his spouse about some of the patients seen in the afternoon clinic, identifying some of his patients. B. A child (5 yo) attends clinic with a broken leg, and says ‘do not tell my mummy’. The doctor discuss his treatment with his parents, against his wishes. C. John attends clinic, you diagnose him with HIV. He requests you do not tell his partner, but you tell her anyway.

15 Values In MedicinePeer Support: Week 4 When you can disclose information…. -Patient has capacity – you have their consent -Patient lacks capacity (adult) – best interests -Patient lacks capacity (child) – parental consent -Legally required -Public interest -Can you give an example???

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