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Primordial Soup Lab Make a Table of Contents entry Go to the page you will use and put your title at the top.

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Presentation on theme: "Primordial Soup Lab Make a Table of Contents entry Go to the page you will use and put your title at the top."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primordial Soup Lab Make a Table of Contents entry Go to the page you will use and put your title at the top

2 First, read your background information for this lab and answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES (if you do this, you do not have to write the question) Primordial Soup Lab Background Info: 1.

3 Background Info Questions 1.Define abiogenesis. 2.What are thought to be the atmospheric conditions on primordial Earth? 3.In the 1968 experiment on lava rocks, what is the significance of water vapor forming in the amino acid mixture? 4.Why do you think a salt water solution being poured on the substance ‘simulates what may have happened in primordial times’? 5.What circumstances occurred that eventually allowed aerobic organisms to develop and evolve? 6.Draw the chart below and create colored drawings to represent each step of proposed cellular evolution: BioMoleculesProtocellsProkaryoteEukaryote The last few questions are not found in the Background info, but you do need to know them….use your book…. 7.What is osmosis? 8.What happens to a cell in a hypotonic solution, why? 9.What happens to a cell in a hypertonic solution, why?

4 NEXT, read your procedure steps and make sure you understand what you will be doing (you could possibly be quizzed over the procedure before I let you into the lab) Primordial Soup Lab Background Info: 1-9. Purpose: NOW, Write a brief purpose for this lab…

5 Lastly, get your data collection charts and circles ready to fill in… Team/Jobs: List your group members and their jobs… Data Collection: Two charts, three circles, on next slides

6 Data Collection: Bacteria Cell Characteristics, Table 1 - Carries out osmotic activity - Selective permeability with its plasma membrane - They have two boundaries - Reproduce through binary fission (asexual) - Contain genetic material - Size? - Other observations:

7 Data Collection: Microsphere comparison, Table 2 2.5 minutes microspheres 4 minutes microspheres Prokaryote 2.5 minute 4 minute

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