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Unit 6: Contemporary 1900-Present. Tabs 6.1 Science & Environment 6.2 Global Conflict & Consequence 6.3 Global Economy, Society, and Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6: Contemporary 1900-Present. Tabs 6.1 Science & Environment 6.2 Global Conflict & Consequence 6.3 Global Economy, Society, and Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6: Contemporary 1900-Present

2 Tabs 6.1 Science & Environment 6.2 Global Conflict & Consequence 6.3 Global Economy, Society, and Culture

3 6.1 Science & Environment I.Rapid advance in science – New comm & transport – Green Rev.= chemical & genetically enhanced forms of agriculture – Advanced med. – Oil & nuclear power II. Pop. Expands = changed environment – Exploit earth’s resources – Global warming; pollution

4 6.1 Science & Environment III. Demographic shift – Disease threatens human survival (Malaria, TB, Cholera, AIDS, Span. Flu – Birth control give women control over fertility & sex – Improved military tech. increases casualties (trench warfare, atomic bomb, tanks, planes, etc.)

5 6.1 Science & Environment III. Demographic shift – Disease threatens human survival (Malaria, TB, Cholera, AIDS, Span. Flu – Birth control give women control over fertility & sex – Improved military tech. increases casualties (trench warfare, atomic bomb, tanks, planes, etc.)

6 6.2 Global Conflict & Consequence I.Europe dominated global political order; by end of cent. New forms of transregional pol. Orgs. – League of Nations; UN – Ottoman, Russian, & Qing Empires collapsed due to both internal & external factors China= Poverty, rebellion, war, famine, over population, addiction, econ. Disaster Russia= diverse ethnicities, comm. Not universally accepted, econ. Decline – Colonies negotiate independence (Africa, Middle East, Asia)

7 6.2 Global Conflict & Consequence II. Anti-imperialism dissolved empires – Kwame Nkrumah, Ho Chi Minh, Gandhi – Transnational movements unite ppl. Across national borders (Pan-Africanism, Communism) – Movements to redistribute land promoted socialism III. Political change= demographic & social consequence – Redraw boundaries (Palestine, Middle East, Africa) – Ethnic violence & refugees (Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda, Armenia)

8 6.2 Global Conflict & Consequence IV. Military conflict – WWI &WWII first “total war”; used propaganda, colonies/civilians, & nationalism to mobilize – Global conflict b/c of comp. for resources, imperialist expansion, ethnic conflict – Balance of economic & pol. Power shifted into the Cold War (tension b/w capitalism & communism) – Cold War = NATO, Warsaw Pact – Cold War ended w/ dissolve of Soviet Union

9 6.2 Global Conflict & Consequence Challenge existing political, social, econ. Orders – Gandhi, MLK Jr., Anti-apartheid movement – Islamic fundamentalism (AL-Qaeda) – Military dictatorship (Chile, Spain, Uganda)

10 6.3 Global Economy, Society, and Culture I.Response to economic challenges – EU, WTO, WHO, UNICEF, Green Peace,“New Deal” – Made possible w/: WWI & II, Cold War, Global Warming; established standards – Communist nations controlled economies – W/ Great Depression, govs took greater role in economy – @ end of 20 th cent, govs encourage free market

11 6.3 Global Economy, Society, and Culture III. Conceptualized society & culture in new ways Human Rights New cultural identities and exclusionary reaction (Negritude, Xenophobia, race riots) IV. Pop culture Olympics Globalization of music Reggae, Bolywood

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