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Niels Tuning (1) Particle Physics II – CP violation Lecture 3 N. Tuning Acknowledgements: Slides based on the course from Wouter Verkerke and Marcel Merk.

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Presentation on theme: "Niels Tuning (1) Particle Physics II – CP violation Lecture 3 N. Tuning Acknowledgements: Slides based on the course from Wouter Verkerke and Marcel Merk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Niels Tuning (1) Particle Physics II – CP violation Lecture 3 N. Tuning Acknowledgements: Slides based on the course from Wouter Verkerke and Marcel Merk.

2 Niels Tuning (2) Huishoudelijke mededeling 26 March: no lecture 2 April: 4 th (last) CP lecture 9 April: Easter 16 April: QCD (prof. peitzmann) H220 23 April: QCD (prof. peitzmann) H220 30 April: Queen’s day 7 May: QCD … 7 June (?): Mini-conference

3 Niels Tuning (3) Outline 5 March –Introduction: matter and anti-matter –P, C and CP symmetries –K-system CP violation Oscillations –Cabibbo-GIM mechanism 12 March –CP violation in the Lagrangian –CKM matrix –B-system 19 March –B  J/Psi Ks –Delta ms (26 March: No lecture) 2 April: –B-experiments: BaBar and LHCb –Measurements at LHCb

4 Niels Tuning (4) Literature Slides based on courses from Wouter Verkerke and Marcel Merk. W.E. Burcham and M. Jobes, Nuclear and Particle Physics, chapters 11 and 14. Z. Ligeti, hep-ph/0302031, Introduction to Heavy Meson Decays and CP Asymmetries Y. Nir, hep-ph/0109090, CP Violation – A New Era H. Quinn, hep-ph/0111177, B Physics and CP Violation

5 Niels Tuning (5) : The Kinetic Part For example, the term with Q Li I becomes: Writing out only the weak part for the quarks: dLIdLI g W+W+ uLIuLI W + = (1/√2) (W 1 + i W 2 ) W - = (1/√ 2) (W 1 – i W 2 ) L=JWL=JW Recap from last week

6 Niels Tuning (6) : The Higgs Potential V(  )  Symmetry Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: The Higgs field adopts a non-zero vacuum expectation value Procedure: Substitute: And rewrite the Lagrangian (tedious): (The other 3 Higgs fields are “eaten” by the W, Z bosons) V   Broken Symmetry ~ 246 GeV 1.. 2.The W +,W -,Z 0 bosons acquire mass 3.The Higgs boson H appears Recap from last week

7 Niels Tuning (7) : The Yukawa Part Since we have a Higgs field we can add (ad-hoc) interactions between  and the fermions in a gauge invariant way. The result is: are arbitrary complex matrices which operate in family space (3x3)  Flavour physics! doublets singlet With: (The CP conjugate of  To be manifestly invariant under SU(2) ) i, j : indices for the 3 generations! Recap from last week

8 Niels Tuning (8) : The Fermion Masses Writing in an explicit form: The matrices M can always be diagonalised by unitary matrices V L f and V R f such that: Then the real fermion mass eigenstates are given by: d L I, u L I, l L I are the weak interaction eigenstates d L, u L, l L are the mass eigenstates (“physical particles”) S.S.B Recap from last week

9 Niels Tuning (9) : The Charged Current The charged current interaction for quarks in the interaction basis is: The charged current interaction for quarks in the mass basis is: The unitary matrix: is the Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa mixing matrix: With: Lepton sector: similarly However, for massless neutrino’s: V L = arbitrary. Choose it such that V MNS = 1 => There is no mixing in the lepton sector Recap from last week

10 Niels Tuning (10) The Standard Model Lagrangian (recap) L Kinetic : Introduce the massless fermion fields Require local gauge invariance => gives rise to existence of gauge bosons L Higgs : Introduce Higgs potential with ≠ 0 Spontaneous symmetry breaking L Yukawa : Ad hoc interactions between Higgs field & fermions L Yukawa → L mass : fermion weak eigenstates: -- mass matrix is (3x3) non-diagonal fermion mass eigenstates: -- mass matrix is (3x3) diagonal L Kinetic in mass eigenstates: CKM – matrix The W +, W -,Z 0 bosons acquire a mass => CP Conserving => CP violating with a single phase => CP-violating => CP-conserving! => CP violating with a single phase Recap from last week

11 Niels Tuning (11) Exploit apparent ranking for a convenient parameterization Given current experimental precision on CKM element values, we usually drop 4 and 5 terms as well –Effect of order 0.2%... Deviation of ranking of 1 st and 2 nd generation ( vs 2 ) parameterized in A parameter Deviation of ranking between 1 st and 3 rd generation, parameterized through |-i| Complex phase parameterized in arg(-i) Recap from last week

12 Niels Tuning (12) Deriving the triangle interpretation Starting point: the 9 unitarity constraints on the CKM matrix Pick (arbitrarily) orthogonality condition with (i,j)=(3,1) Recap from last week

13 Niels Tuning (13) Visualizing arg(V ub ) and arg(V td ) in the () plane We can now put this triangle in the () plane Recap from last week

14 Niels Tuning (14) Dynamics of Neutral B (or K) mesons… No mixing, no decay… No mixing, but with decays… (i.e.: H is not Hermitian!)  With decays included, probability of observing either B 0 or B 0 must go down as time goes by: Time evolution of B 0 and  B 0 can be described by an effective Hamiltonian:

15 Niels Tuning (15) Describing Mixing… Where to put the mixing term? Now with mixing – but what is the difference between M 12 and  12 ? M 12 describes B 0  B 0 via off-shell states, e.g. the weak box diagram  12 describes B 0  f  B 0 via on- shell states, eg. f=     Time evolution of B 0 and  B 0 can be described by an effective Hamiltonian:

16 Niels Tuning (16) Solving the Schrödinger Equation From the eigenvalue calculation: Eigenvectors:  m and  follow from the Hamiltonian: Solution: (  and  are initial conditions):

17 Niels Tuning (17) B Oscillation Amplitudes For B 0, expect:  ~ 0, |q/p|=1 For an initially produced B 0 or a  B 0 it then follows: (using: with

18 Niels Tuning (18) Measuring B Oscillations Decay probability B0B0B0B0 B0B0B0B0 Proper Time  For B 0, expect:  ~ 0, |q/p|=1 Examples:

19 Niels Tuning (19) Let’s summarize … p, q: Δm, Δ Γ: x,y: mixing often quoted in scaled parameters: Historically, in the K- system ε is used: q,p,M ij, Γ ij related through: with Time dependence (if ΔΓ~0, like for B 0 ) :

20 Niels Tuning (20) Compare the mesons: P0P0P0P0 P0P0P0P0 Probability Time  Probability  <><> ΔmΔmx=Δm/Γy=ΔΓ/2Γ K0K0 2.6 10 -8 s5.29 ns -1 Δm/ Γ S =0.4 9 ~1 D0D0 0.41 10 -12 s 0.001 fs -1 ~00.01 B0B0 1.53 10 -12 s 0.507 ps - 1 0.78~0 Bs0Bs0 1.47 10 -12 s 17.8 ps -1 12.1~0.05 By the way, ħ=6.58 10 -22 MeVs x=Δm/ Γ : avg nr of oscillations before decay

21 Niels Tuning (21) For example... Compare D-mixing to B-mixing Short range mixing (described by M 12 ) Long range mixing (described by Γ 12 ) Compare to B-system: Less Cabibbo suppressed: ~|V tb V td * | 2 ~| λ 3 | 2 : “ just” small Less GIM: suppressed: ~(m t 2 -m c 2 ) : big Expected to be small! Cabibbo suppressed: ~|V ub V cb * | 2 ~| λ 3 λ 2 | 2 : very small GIM suppressed: ~(m s 2 -m d 2 ) : small

22 Niels Tuning (22) D-mixing just measured!

23 Niels Tuning (23) Measuring D-mixing just measured! Why important? Very interesting, because sensitive to new physics…

24 Niels Tuning (24) D-mixing just measured! How? Look for D 0  K + π - decays: sensitive to mixing, because: –Direct decay is suppressed: M~|V cd ||V us |= O (λ 2 ) “Double Cabibbo Surpressed” –Decay after mixing not suppressed: M~|V cd ||V ud |= O(1) “Cabibbo Favoured” cc u D0D0 D0D0 D0D0

25 Niels Tuning (25) D-mixing just measured! Investigate D 0  K + π - D 0  K + π - : 4,030 events, partially through D 0  D 0  K + π - ! D 0  K - π + : 1,141,500 events K+K+ π-π- How do we distinguish D 0  K + π - from D 0  D 0  K + π - ?  Look at decay time dependence!

26 Niels Tuning (26) Measuring B 0 mixing What is the probability to observe a B 0 /B 0 at time t, when it was produced as a B 0 at t=0? –Calculate observable probility *(t) A simple B 0 decay experiment. –Given a source B 0 mesons produced in a flavor eigenstate |B 0 > –You measure the decay time of each meson that decays into a flavor eigenstate (either B 0 orB 0 ) you will find that

27 Niels Tuning (27) Measuring B 0 mixing You can really see this because (amazingly) B 0 mixing has same time scale as decay – =1.54 ps – m=0.5 ps -1 –50/50 point at m   –Maximal oscillation at 2m  2 Actual measurement of B 0 /B 0 oscillation –Also precision measurement of m!

28 Niels Tuning (28) Last years course (2006)… B s mixing just measured! Δm s has been measured at Fermilab 4 weeks ago!

29 Niels Tuning (29) Δm s : Standard Model Prediction V ts CKM Matrix Wolfenstein parameterization Ratio of frequencies for B 0 and B s  = 1.210 +0.047 from lattice QCD -0.035 V ts ~ 2 V td ~ 3   Δm s ~ (1/ λ 2 ) Δm d ~ 25 Δm d

30 Niels Tuning (30) Δm s : Unitarity Triangle CKM Matrix Unitarity Condition

31 Niels Tuning (31) Δm s : What B s Decays? large signal yields (few 10 thousands) correct for missing neutrino loss in proper time resolution superior sensitivity in lower m s range small signal yields (few thousand) momentum completely contained in tracker superior sensitivity at higher m s

32 Niels Tuning (32) Δm s : Tagging the B Production Flavor vertexing (same) side “opposite” side e, 

33 Niels Tuning (33) ΔmsΔms Δm s =17.77 ±0.10(stat)±0.07(sys) ps -1 cos(Δm s t) Proper Time t (ps) hep-ex/0609040 BsBs bb b ss st tt W W BsBs g̃BsBs BsBs bb s ss b x x b̃ s̃ g̃

34 Niels Tuning (34) Mixing  CP violation? NB: Just mixing is not necessarily CP violation! However, by studying certain decays with and without mixing, CP violation is observed Next: Measuring CP violation

35 Niels Tuning (35) Back to finding new measurements Next order of business: Devise an experiment that measures arg(V td )and arg(V ub ). –What will such a measurement look like in the () plane?   CKM phases Fictitious measurement of  consistent with CKM model

36 Niels Tuning (36) Reduction to single (set of 2) amplitudes is major advantage in understanding B 0 mixing physics A mixing diagram has (to very good approximation) a weak phase of 2 –An experiment that involves interference between an amplitude with mixing and an amplitude without mixing is sensitive to the angle ! Small miracle of B physics: unlike the K 0 system you can easily interpret the amount of observable CP violation to CKM phases! The B 0 mixing formalism and the angle β

37 Niels Tuning (37) Find the right set of two amplitudes General idea to measure b: Look at interference between B 0  f CP and B 0  B 0  f CP –Where f CP is a CP eigenstate (because both B 0 and B 0 must be able to decay into it) Example (not really random): B 0  J/ K S B 0  f B 0  B 0  f

38 Niels Tuning (38) Measuring  with B 0  J/ K S We’re going to measure arg(V td 2 )=2 through the interference of these two processes We now know from the B0 mixing formalism that the magnitude of both amplitudes varies with time B 0  f B 0  B 0  f

39 Niels Tuning (39) How can we construct an observable that measures β What do we know about the relative phases of the diagrams? B 0  f B 0  B 0  f (strong)= (weak)=0(weak)=2 (mixing)=/2 There is a phase difference of i between the B 0 andB 0 Decays are identical K 0 mixing exactly cancels V cs

40 Niels Tuning (40) How can we construct an observable that measures β The easiest case: calculate (B 0  J/ K S ) at t=m –Why is it easy: cos(mt)=0  both amplitudes (with and without mixing) have same magnitude: |A 1 |=|A 2 | –Draw this scenario as vector diagram –NB: Both red and blue vectors have unit length += /2+2 1-cos() sin() cos() N(B 0  f)  |A| 2  (1-cos) 2 +sin 2  = 1 -2cos+cos 2 +sin 2  = 2-2cos(/2+2)  1-sin(2)

41 Niels Tuning (41) How can we construct an observable that measures β Now also look at CP-conjugate process Directly observable result (essentially just from counting) measure CKM phase  directly! CP + = /2+2 + = /2-2 N(B 0  f)  |A| 2  (1-cos) 2 +sin 2  = 1 -2cos+cos 2 +sin 2  = 2-2cos(/2+2)  1-sin(2) N(B 0  f)  (1+cos) 2 +sin 2  = 2+2cos(/2-2)  1+sin(2) 1-cos() sin() 1+cos()

42 Niels Tuning (42) Measuring A CP (t) in B 0  J/ K S What do we need to observe to measure We need to measure 1)J/ and K S decay products 2)Lifetime of B 0 meson before decay 3)Flavor of B 0 meson at t=0 (B 0 orB 0 ) First two items relatively easy –Lifetime can be measured from flight length if B 0 has momentum in laboratory Last item is the major headache: How do you measure a property of a particle before it decays?

43 Niels Tuning (43) B 0 (t) A CP (t) = sin(2β)sin(m d t) sin2 Dsin2 Putting it all together: sin(2) from B 0  J/ K S Effect of detector imperfections –Dilution of A CP amplitude due imperfect tagging –Blurring of A CP sine wave due to finite t resolution Imperfect flavor tagging Finite t resolution tt tt

44 Niels Tuning (44) Combined result for sin2 sin2β = 0.722  0.040 (stat)  0.023 (sys) J/ψ K L (CP even) mode (cc) K S (CP odd) modes hep-ex/0408127 A CP amplitude dampened by (1-2w) w  flav. Tag. mistake rate

45 Niels Tuning (45) 4 Consistency with other measurements in (,) plane   Method as in Höcker et al, Eur.Phys.J.C21:225-259,2001 Prices measurement of sin(2β) agrees perfectly with other measurements and CKM model assumptions The CKM model of CP violation experimentally confirmed with high precision! 4-fold ambiguity because we measure sin(2), not  1 2 3 without sin(2)

46 Niels Tuning (46) Remember the following: CP violation is discovered in the K-system CP violation is naturally included if there are 3 generations or more CP violation manifests itself as a complex phase in the CKM matrix The CKM matrix gives the strengths and phases of the weak couplings CP violation is apparent in experiments/processes with 2 interfering amplitudes –Often using “mixing” to get the 2 nd decay process The angle β is measured through B 0  J/ K S

47 Niels Tuning (47) Outline 5 March –Introduction: matter and anti-matter –P, C and CP symmetries –K-system CP violation Oscillations –Cabibbo-GIM mechanism 12 March –CP violation in the Lagrangian –CKM matrix –B-system 19 March –B  J/Psi Ks –Delta ms (26 March: No lecture) 2 April: –B-experiments: BaBar and LHCb –Measurements at LHCb

48 Niels Tuning (48) Compare the mesons: t (ps)

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