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1 The Prerequisites of Spiritual Life According to THOTH, Presented by Keyosha.

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2 1 The Prerequisites of Spiritual Life According to THOTH, Presented by Keyosha

3 2 Physical Health Mental Equilibrium Spiritual Cleanliness

4 3 Physical Health Is possible where the seven basic necessities of life are met.

5 4 They include: Fresh Air Sunshine Good Food Pure Water Good Rest Exercise Concentration and Use of the Power of the Mind

6 5 FRESH AIR It is absolutely the number one necessity. As Maitreya says in THOTH, even the greatest yogis can’t live without fresh air. ::::::::::::::::::::

7 6 SUNSHINE It’s the second essential element and provides fresh life energy! ---- ---

8 7 Good Food This will help to create strong cells in the physical body. -------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------

9 8 Pure Water Pure water provides essential fluid and moisture for the body.

10 9 Good Rest It provides us with happiness, joy and contentment which are all needed for good health. ^ ^

11 10 Exercise Provides relaxation and good health.

12 11 Concentration and Use of the Power of the Mind Helps a person to stimulate and use his/her healing power. This power will help the person to more easily sustain physical stability and health.

13 12 Mental Equilibrium *Live a simple life. *Avoid activities which provide a lot of stress with no benefit. *Don’t engage in escapism.

14 13 Spiritual Cleanliness Use the tools provided by the Mission. Carefully choose the environment you spend time in. Be aware of how you are affected by the materials you read, shows you watch, and the company you keep. THOTH

15 14 Balance Physical Health Mental Equilibrium Spiritual Cleanliness

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