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Lectures 6 and 7 Spatial Data Infrastructures Partnerships in Action Longley et al. Chapter 20.

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1 Lectures 6 and 7 Spatial Data Infrastructures Partnerships in Action Longley et al. Chapter 20

2 Partnerships Often fraught with hazards – can take longer and create friction BUT Often there is no real choice for they can bring: New staff skills Additional technology Marketing skills Better brand image New insights on user needs New products Cost- and risk-sharing

3 Local partnerships: an example Channel Island National Marine Sanctuary NOAA NMS SB County Planning & Develop Island Packers Blue Planet Commercial Fisherman of SB, Inc Ventura College UCSB Channel Islands National Park Calif Coastal Commission Many, many others …

4 Local to global partnerships: an example GIS Day is an annual grassroots event which began in November 1999, designed to promote geographic literacy in schools, communities, and organizations. GIS Day GIS users and vendors open their doors to schools, businesses, and the general public to showcase real-world applications of the technology. News of the event is spread by use of the Internet and by advertising. Any organization can host such an event: 2,400+ organizations hosted GIS Day events in more than 91 different countries in 1999 (see map). About 2.4 million children and adults were enlightened on GIS technology on that day


6 National partnerships via NSDIs The problem: Data duplication commonplace – so waste occurs Ad hoc data sharing has many difficulties Data often tailored to one application Best data often collected in greatest detail at local level but not accessible to regional or national folk Indexes/metadata to available GI unknown until recently No general protocols for any of this until NSDI…

7 What is a National Spatial Data Infrastructure? ‘the technology, policies, standards, and human resources necessary to acquire, process, store, distribute, and improve utilization of geospatial data’ Source: Presidential Executive Order #12906 (1994): 'Co-ordinating Geographic Data Acquisition and Access: The National Spatial Data Infrastructure' W Clinton. BUT what does it mean in practice?

8 Initial elements of the US NSDI Defined standards (mandated on federal agencies and encouraged for others) Minimizing inconsistency Clearinghouse – metadata descriptions of existing data. Advertising what is available National geospatial data framework - a common ‘template’ on which to assemble other data

9 The NSDI is composed of Metadata Geo data Geo data Clearinghouse Standards Partnerships

10 The data provide a core... Geographic/Geospatial Data

11 Categories of Geographic Data Community-developed data sets single purpose potential re-use common content specification “Framework” data

12 Specialized Framework Categories of Geographic Data

13 Digital orthoimagery Elevation and bathymetry Boundaries Railroads Geodetic Federal State Local Private Utilities Spatial AnalysisBase for Other DataFinished Maps Roads Cadastral Hydrography Framework Data Spatial AnalysisBase for Other DataFinished Maps

14 Web Sites of the Week

15 Specialized Framework Metadata Describing your data...

16 Metadata: “nutritional” label for GIS data sets Internally - s aves 4 hrs research 10 times a year = (4 x 10 x $50) = $2,000 (time it takes to look up or contact someone for information about a dataset) External Questions - refer 30 inquires/year (1hr/inquiry) = (30 x 1 x $50)=$1,500 (time it takes to answer calls from people who want to use the data or find out more about it) Future reuse/enhancement -$5,000 to $25,000 Liability (lawyers, courts) - $$$$

17 The uses of metadata Provides documentation of existing internal geospatial data resources within an organization (inventory) Permits structured search and comparison of held spatial data by others (advertising) Provides end-users with adequate information to take the data and use it in an appropriate context (liability)

18 Specialized Framework Metadata Making data discoverable... Clearinghouse (catalog)

19 Clearinghouse provides... n Discovery of spatial data n Distributed search worldwide n Uniform interface for spatial data searches n Advertising for your data holdings

20 Clearinghouse operates as... n Entry point to constellation of servers n Collection of distributed servers, using a common protocol (e.g., Z39.50) n A virtual “Google” for geographic data

21 WebClient Gateway Clearinghouse “Nodes” or Servers This is all “Clearinghouse” NOAA Oregon USGSNMD NGS

22 Specialized Framework Metadata Clearinghouse (catalog) Standards Consistent approaches...

23 Who builds standards? n ISO - Intl Standards Organization n FGDC Standards working group in partnership with... n FGDC Thematic subcommittees n Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) n Concerned organizations n Producers and users of geospatial data

24 Types of standards n Data content — Common classifications — Common collection criteria n Data management Metadata Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) Data transfer protocols (e.g., WMS)

25 Clearinghouse/Catalog & Standards Important differences: Data models, data structures (formats), query languages, (syntactic) meaning of terms in metadata, meaning of values in data (semantic)  E.g.:  Metadata: –Different metadata standards (ISO vs. FGDC) –Different terms:‘Seabed’ vs. ‘Seafloor’ ‘Coastline’ vs. ‘Shoreline’

26 Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) OGC Web Service: OGC specification Interface allowing requests for geographic “resources” across the Web using platform-independent calls Main OGC services: Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW) Web Map Service (WMS) Web Feature Service (WFS) Web Coverage Service (WCS)

27 Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) Example International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) Connect individual coastal atlases to an integrated global atlas … Global atlas Local atlases

28 Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) Example ICAN CSW based on open source GeoNetwork … Atlas X ISO Metadata & MIDA terminology FGDC Metadata & OCA terminology X Standard & X terminology “Seabed ” “Seafloor”

29 Next step for ICAN is WMS CSW X WMSWFS … CSW WMS Linking of terms in metadata helps ultimate to link to data: ICAN:Coastline is similar to OCA:Shoreline

30 Web Mapping Service (WMS) Example DISMAR: Data Integration System for Marine Pollution and Water Quality. More current projects at GetMap Operation

31 International Coastal Atlas Network

32 Partnerships GEOdata Framework Metadata Clearinghouse (catalog) Standards

33 Lots of people involved… Federal government (many agencies) State government Local government Private sector – contractors, value-adders, exploiters Not for profit organizations Citizenry Others… No one is in charge…



36 Government and the private sector National governments own and control national mapping agencies All such mapping produced to national specifications until recently New private sector providers: Produce imagery for anywhere in world Produce road databases How do we get these to work together?

37 A Research Agenda Future of the Spatial Information Infrastructure Information policy Intellectual property rights, privacy, liability Digital government research Local generation and integration of data Public participation GIS

38 Short Term Research Priorities priorities-->research Institutional aspects of SDIs GI Partnering GI Resource Mgmt Gradation, Indeterminate Boundaries Geospatial Semantic Web Spatialization Pervasive Computing Location Based Services Spatial Clustering Geoslavery & Security Geospatial Data Fusion Global Representation and Modeling Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Dynamic Modeling

39 Other Research Priorities (Long Term) Geographic Representation Scale Spatial Data Acquisition & Integration Spatial Cognition Spatial Ontologies Space and Space/Time Analysis & Modeling Uncertainty Visualization GIS and Society Geographic Information Engineering

40 A Global Spatial Data Infrastructure? Difficult enough to get national players to work together… Is GSDI a process, a general framework or a product? Who are the stakeholders? Who needs it? (military doing what they need themselves?)


42 Life, partnerships and GIS When do you work in partnership with other people or organisations? What makes it worthwhile? The same applies to GIS partnerships: Commitment to a cause, wish to improve matters? Personal ambition? Influence? Fame? Status? Money?

43 Summary - 1 Partnerships versus competition Local National Spatial Data Infrastructure Geodata, Framework, Metadata, Clearinghouse, Standards, Partnerships Global Spatial Data Infrastructures Political power in partnerships Bringing it all together: the GIS game

44 Summary - 2 Partnerships potentially very powerful so look beyond the normal.. Nothing is without cost… Choose GIS partners carefully, nurture relationships…

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