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Description How to write a descriptive essay?. What is descriptive essay? A descriptive essay is painting a picture in words of person, place, object.

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Presentation on theme: "Description How to write a descriptive essay?. What is descriptive essay? A descriptive essay is painting a picture in words of person, place, object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Description How to write a descriptive essay?

2 What is descriptive essay? A descriptive essay is painting a picture in words of person, place, object or scene.

3 A Descriptive Essay Sensory Details

4 What is the most important for an effective descriptive essay? Show more than tell. Show more than tell. Language features in a descriptive essay… Detailed; Sensory; Figurative :

5 Sense Impression "A rug covers the living-room floor." Please develop the sentence into a short descriptive paragraph using more than one sense impression. A thick,reddish-brown shag rug, (长毛毯) is laid wall to wall across the living-room floor. The long curled fibers of the shag seem to whisper as you walk through them in your bare feet, and when you squeeze your toes into the deep covering, the soft fibers push back at you with a spongy resiliency( 弹性).

6 Compare: He was extremly angry. His face turned red, and one corner of his mouth twitched as he tried to control his anger.

7 Use lively adverbs. Eg.1 The car runs. The car runs smoothly./ The car runs haltingly. Eg.2 The president prepared his address. The president very carefully and thoroughly prepared his address. Eg.3 The swim team accepted the gold medal. Proudly and excitedly, the swim team accepted the gold medal.

8 Compare… Compare… He says he is very busy. She has golden hair. He says he is almost as busy as a bee. Her hair is like the golden sun. Figurative language

9 Contents Description of a/an personplace object scene

10 Description of a Person Appearance Character Thoughts Feelings Peculiarities idiosyncrasies dominant characteristic/ outstanding quality

11 How to Describe a Person The beginning—— produce an overall impression and your feeling about the person The main body——based on certain orders The conclusion——your assessment and evaluation

12 Characteristics kind amiable earnest courageous generous considerate thoughtful self-confident timid cowardly greedy cunning wicked miserly ill-mannered bad-tempered

13 Description of a Place edge far,above left right near,below A fixed vantage point : A fixed obeserver A moving vantage point : A moving observer centre,middle inside outside

14 Focus on the goal or the purpose Topic: A Playground in My Childhood Dominant Impression: A Pleasant Play Area A Dangerous Place A Sense of Danger Details: several broken bottles in the centre of the ground a pack of loud teenagers gathered on a nearby street corner a haunt of stray dogs

15 Description of an object size, shape, color, texture, taste or smell usefulness, usage or importance the most important characteristic

16 Description of a Scene → 1) dominant impression → 2) concrete details → 3) logical development → 1) central idea → 2) description of setting (concrete details) → 3) description of characters and their actions → 4) repeat the central idea

17 Assignment 1. 课下丰富 “ 作家公文包 ” ,摘取范文或者任意描写性 质段落中的三词三句,并给出汉语解释;下节课以组 为单位班内分享。 2. In group, decide on a nosiy spot--a restaurant, a sports game, a marketplace, a shop or a dorm---where each of you can stay for a half hour or so. Observe the people and listen attentively to the sounds of the place and take notes about what you hear. Then, write a paragraph describing the place. Write a group report on the spot and share it with the rest of the class.

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