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Principle All children have the right to education All children have the right to education.

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2 Principle All children have the right to education All children have the right to education.

3 Goal ENTE considers itself a network on a European level for the further development of teaching and its setting according to the specific educational needs of children from travelling families.

4 Steuer- gruppe Birgid Oertel Albert Ritter Annette Schwer Helga Sinner Sylvie Parkes Han Ellenbroek Martin Treichel Steering Committee

5 Organisation/Structure Service Point Agency Platform

6 Tasks “Service Point” Service Point Trans-European contact for parents, children and organisations in educational matters Collection, documentation, and if applicable publication of schooling and teaching concepts Nomination of national and regional contact persons Maintenance of contact and cooperation between Platform and Agency Support of the interaction between national and regional databases for the documentation and the advancement of pupils’ careers Installation and maintenance of a website Supporting the Platform in the application for and the implementation of projects

7 Tasks “Agency” Agency Political and legal support and backup of the Platform’s work on a domestic level; also, taking up the Platform’s initiatives, suggestions and reports, verifying these and transforming them into guidelines and resolutions for national projects Securing contacts to the European Commission and the European Parliament Europe-wide harmonisation of educational and organisational standards of schooling for travelling children [Set partners of the Agency are the representatives of the European Ministries of Education. The Agency works on their authority. Political representatives and those from European professional and umbrella organisations as well as European parents associations can be called into an advisory committee by the Agency. ]

8 Tasks 1 “Platform” Platform Preparation and coordination of applications for joint schooling and teaching projects with the European Commission or other organisations Development and exchange of teaching concepts and materials Exchange of ideas, information and products, Support in accepting / handing over children that travel across national borders Assistance for parents and schools in neighbouring countries in schooling children who travel abroad

9 Tasks 2 “Platform” Platform Supervision and implementation of international projects, as far as the Platform is involved Dissemination / support of existing offers for advanced training Contact for the Agency Responsibility for the work of the Service Point

10 Funding No financing of permanent personnel or material costs through individual European projects, Instead, a secure and lasting core funding through the EU or else alternatively/additionally proportional support through EU member states is sought.

11 Visions Expansion of the network through European countries as extensive as possible Integration of additional mobile reference groups Secure funding of the Service Point


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