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Conference Observations & Future Challenges for NOAA VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Conference Observations & Future Challenges for NOAA VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conference Observations & Future Challenges for NOAA VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere | NOAA Administrator December 17, 2004

2 2 SES Summit Wrap-up Impressions of Meeting with Secretary Designate Where Will We Be In 5 Years?  Communication  Integration  Strengthening Corporate NOAA  Organizational Excellence  Mission Excellence

3 3 Impressions Secretary Designate Carlos Gutierrez

4 4 Where Will We Be In 5 Years? One NOAA – December 2009 COMMUNICATION : One NOAA Voice, “360° Listening” Transparency of Mission – Internal & External to NOAA  NOAA Management actively listens to employees, incorporates feedback into practices  Employees understand & “live” the mission – ensures long-term care & feeding of NOAA  External needs of society are driving internal administrative requirements – external partners have stake in the outcome  Buy-in from community/stakeholders puts Average Joe/Joan in NOAA’s Corner

5 5 Communications What should NOAA be communicating?  Products and Information  Multiple (adaptable) communication venues based upon:  Topics,  Regions,  Communities  Attention to Relationships with Public and Private Entities

6 6 Communications To whom should NOAA be communicating?  Internal  NOAA Management actively listens to employees, incorporates feedback into practices  Employees understand & endorse the mission – ensures long-term care & feeding of NOAA  External  External partners have stake in the outcome and drive internal administrative requirements  Enhance connections to constituents to ensure we are giving our “customers” what they want  Buy-in from community/stakeholders puts Average Joe in NOAA’s Corner

7 7 Communications Pathway to a Solution Create a corporate NOAA Office of Communications  Focus on:  (a) internal NOAA communication and messaging  (b) coordinating consistency of message across media, public, legislative NOAA employees  Partner, at least initially with best of breed organization, such as IBM, to jumpstart initiative.  Get expert assessment of NOAA’s best practices in communications  Provide central infrastructure for all NOAA public information  Task CIO, Office of Communications, Education Office and Public Affairs to create IT infrastructure and process that leverages knowledge-based management approaches (including “push-pull”) to communicate effectively both internally and externally to NOAA  Reinforce the NOAA Brand/Image  NOAA vs. NWS, for example

8 8 Where Will We Be In 5 Years? One NOAA – December 2009 INTEGRATION Re-purpose existing systems and capitalize on new developments, technologies, external partners  Linkages between programs facilitate economic & scientific efficiencies  NOAA products and services integrate and meet society’s increasingly complex needs  Partnering with other federal, state, local agencies advance domestic and international agendas–key opportunities on the horizon to work closely with DoE, DHS Example: GEOSS, Alaska & Delaware oil spill response efforts

9 9 Solutions for Integration Use NOAA Administrator Awards only to recognize effective integration within NOAA Use promotions to reward behaviors that integrate across NOAA Make integration part of performance plans at the employee’s level Sponsor Internet Business Group – Jack Mays willing to host Integrate NOAA infrastructure, e.g. facilities, IT

10 10 Solutions for Integration Benchmarking – find projects in other organizations to mimic for best practices Exchange Program between lines & disciplines – Jack Hayes willing to sponsor Multidisciplinary job announcements/positions – recruit through universities Look for opportunities to use other NOAA programs to help “your” program Look to NOAA digital database/Metadata/Integrated Obs and other projects that would benefit from integration

11 11 Strengthening Corporate NOAA Reduce organizational fragmentation  Line Offices using NOAA management functions  HR, IT Commit to clean audit  Property management

12 Organizational Excellence CONTINUITY

13 13 Organizational Structure

14 14 Organizational Structure

15 15 Organizational Excellence Effective Operational Organization Next Generation Management Information System Communication  Corporate Function  Single Website  NOAA Intranet  Blue Pages NOAA Branding  Internal  External

16 16 Organizational Excellence… Requirements-based PPBES Integrated Research Enterprise  Embrace new technologies (UAVs, UUVs) Integral Economic/Benefit Analysis Functions Real Program Trade-off Analysis NOAA Interagency Panel Leadership on all Cross-Agency Missions Integrated Performance Measurement System

17 17 Mission Excellence Completed Operational Ocean Observing System Three Regional Ecosystem Management Pilots in place First Ecosystem Based Fishery Management Plan Operational Climate Monitoring System  Carbon, Climate Reference Network Reduce Charting Backlog by 50% One Hour Lead Time for Tornado Forecasts

18 18 Mission Excellence… Real Hurricane Intensity Forecasting Improvement Nationwide Operational Air Quality Network Operational National Drought Monitoring System Operational UAV, UUV Support Fleet Assimilation of NASA & NSF Research into Operational Satellites GOES-R First Operational Integrated Environmental Monitoring Satellite System

19 19 Mission Excellence… NOAA Ownership and Operation of the U.S. Earth Observing Satellites  Including LANDSAT Operational National Water Quality Network  Non Point Source Reduction Recognized Leadership in Earth Systems Modeling Fishery Capacity Equal to Sustainable Wild Harvest Levels

20 20 Mission Excellence… Real Time Operational Surface Transportation Conditions Reporting System Reduce the Aqua-/Mari-culture Trade Deficit by 50% Operational Bio-detection Network in place  Plankton to Whales Operational Phased Array NOAA/FAA Wx/ATC System Operational Next Generation Trawling Gear Replacement

21 21 Finding Clarity in Complexity Confronting Reality Some parts of NOAA are working, some are not Failing to make a shift can be riskier than not making one – If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind It is incumbent upon us to sort through components to determine which parts are working/which aren’t and make judgements on what will work given today’s /the future’s realities (budget constraints) At a Crossroads, Choose a Path and follow it.

22 22 Just An Expression, But.... “Don’t spend all your time sorting your socks.”

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