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(elective course).  Lecturer: Dr. sc. Marijana Javornik Čubrić  Office hours: Tuesday 11:30 – 12:30, Gundulićeva 10, Room No. 6  Contact:

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Presentation on theme: "(elective course).  Lecturer: Dr. sc. Marijana Javornik Čubrić  Office hours: Tuesday 11:30 – 12:30, Gundulićeva 10, Room No. 6  Contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 (elective course)

2  Lecturer: Dr. sc. Marijana Javornik Čubrić  Office hours: Tuesday 11:30 – 12:30, Gundulićeva 10, Room No. 6  Contact:

3  M. Javornik Čubrić, Advanced English for Public Administration (script)  Available for photocopying (unpublished material)  Additional readings  Presentations available on the web site of the Department of Foreign Languages

4  Unit 1: Joined-up governance for fundamental rights  Unit 2: Code of ethics for administrative professionals  Unit 3: The Ministry of Public Administration of the RC  Unit 4: Regional policy in Croatia  Unit 5: Phases of state administration development in Croatia  Unit 6: Administrative reform  Unit 7: EU Citizenship  Unit 8: The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU  Unit 9: EU comitology  Unit 10: European standards in the regulation of services of general interest

5  March 5Introduction  March 12Joined-up governance  March 19Code of ethics for administrative professionals  March 26The Ministry of Public Administration  April 9Phases of state administration development in Croatia  April 23EU Citizenship  April 30The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU  May 7EU Comitology  May 14European standards in the regulation of SGI  May 21Revision  May 28Tutorials and signatures

6  Obligatory for full-time students  Recommendable for part-time students  Substitute for the oral part of the examination; seminar paper as a substitute for the written part of the examination

7 Suggested duration: 15 minutes No reading; only notes No reading; only notes Sources: at least 3 different sources; one written, two can be from the Internet Sources: at least 3 different sources; one written, two can be from the Internet Questions and discussion or group work to be included Questions and discussion or group work to be included

8  March 12 – signing for a presentation with a proposed topic  March 19 – timetable to be announed, topics to be finalised  Dates for presentation:  April 9, 23, 20  May 7, 14

9  Draft presentation to be sent to the lecturer a week in advance  Seminar paper to be submitted by the end of the term

10  5-10 pages on the topic chosen  Clearly divided into subdivisions (introduction, body, conclusion)  Referencing  Quoting  Sources

11  Industrial-era bureaucracies in an information age  Administrative reform  Contracts between ministries and agencies  State administration development in Croatia  Joined Up Government  Public-private partnerships  New methods and techniques of human potentials management  Management and motivation  Administrative ethics

12  Available at: Course:  Engleski jezik za javnu upravu

13 Written examination:  Relevant terminology  Grammar  Translation Oral examination: Presenting the topics discussed using relevant vocabulary



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