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Supporting online instructors and assessing their instruction Barb Storandt ALTA Solutions Group, LLC Lia Dossin PBS TeacherLine LaRay Mason PBS TeacherLine.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting online instructors and assessing their instruction Barb Storandt ALTA Solutions Group, LLC Lia Dossin PBS TeacherLine LaRay Mason PBS TeacherLine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting online instructors and assessing their instruction Barb Storandt ALTA Solutions Group, LLC Lia Dossin PBS TeacherLine LaRay Mason PBS TeacherLine

2 Warm Up Instant poll – what are you hoping to gain from this session? pollcode.cgi?PTw pollcode.cgi?PTw

3 About PBS TeacherLine Online, graduate level courses (scheduled, facilitated, asynchronous) for PreK–12 teachers Trained, certified facilitators lead more than 90 top-quality courses Six-week courses that span the entire curriculum Content experts collaborated to develop courses of the highest quality

4 Facilitation Program ~ Recruitment All facilitators have Master’s Degree or higher Previous online learning experience either as facilitator or learner Recommended by local station Must pass TL Online Facilitator Training regardless of previous experience

5 Facilitation Program~ Our Facilitators 100 national facilitators that facilitate one or more course(s) per year Half have been teaching online at least 5 years 16.3% of our facilitators have a CAS/EdS or PhD 51% facilitate course for other online providers 100% have experience as online learners

6 Facilitation Program~ Training and Support Online professional learning community (FUN) Quarterly faculty meetings New facilitator mentoring Peer sharing Course reviews Additional courses (OFTII)

7 The Course Review Process Formative/summative Data-driven 3D Level I and II course reviews Learner rating cover sheets

8 Facilitator Competencies

9 Proven Effective Facilitators rate TeacherLine’s PD highly Learners rate facilitators’ performance highly Facilitators have few unmet learning needs related to online instruction Facilitators positioned PBS TeacherLine’s PD as demonstrating innovation and best practices

10 Contact Barb Storandt ALTA Solutions Group, LLC Lia Dossin PBS TeacherLine LaRay Mason PBS TeacherLine

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