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The 2100 Scale Score Pyramid Taken from: Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD 8 th Grade Social Studies TAKS Review.

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Presentation on theme: "The 2100 Scale Score Pyramid Taken from: Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD 8 th Grade Social Studies TAKS Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2100 Scale Score Pyramid Taken from: Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD 8 th Grade Social Studies TAKS Review

2 The 2100 Scale Score Pyramid Directions 1.Divide the Class into two groups. 2.Chose one student from each group. Have students stand facing each other. 3.Student “A” has their back to the screen and student “B” faces the screen. 4.Teacher gives the title of the category to the students first. (Give 10 seconds think time) 5.Teacher shows list of terms. 6.Student “B” gives clues about the first term to student “A” until student “A” guesses the term. Student “B” then continues with the next term. 7.Students may skip and come back to terms that they have trouble with. They can ask someone on their big team for help if needed. 8.Both students sit down when they have correctly completed all terms. Two new students get up for the next category, and so on. 9.The goal is to get as many of the points as possible, but only allow about 5 mins or so for each “game”.

3 200 points 400 points 700 points Things Associated with the Conflict between the North and South Amendments Things Associated with Rights Growth of Representative Government Things Associated with the Civil War Principles of the Constitution Obj.4

4 Principles of the Constitution Checks and Balances Popular Sovereignty Limited Government Separation of Powers Federalism Republicanism Individual Rights 8.16 D

5 Things Associated with the Conflict between the North and South Missouri Compromise Dred Scott Decision Abolitionists Election of Lincoln Kansas-Nebraska Act Fugitive Slave Law John Brown 8.18B

6 Name the Purpose of that Amendment! 2 nd – (clue)Right to bear arms 15 th – Right of all men to vote 1 st - Free Speech 13 th – Banned slavery 3 rd – No Quartering of troops 4 th – No Search and Seizure 14 th - Citizenship to Blacks 8.16 C, 8.17 B

7 Things Associated with the Civil War Jefferson Davis Emancipation Proclamation Battle of Gettysburg Robert E. Lee Appomattox Courthouse Ulysses S. Grant Fort Sumpter 8.8

8 Things Associated with Rights Bill of Rights Unalienable Rights Free Press Free Religion Cruel and Unusual Punishment Trial By Jury Search and Seizure 8.20A, B

9 Things Associated with the Foundations of Representative Government in the U.S. Mayflower Compact Virginia House of Burgesses Declaration of Independence Magna Carta English Bill of Rights Articles of Confederation New England Town Meeting 8.3B, 8.16A

10 200 points 400 points 700 points Things associated with the Constitutional Convention War of 1812 Things associated with Sectionalism Political Parties Causes of the Revolution Reasons for Establishing the Colonies OBJ. 1

11 Reasons for Establishing the Colonies Religious Freedom Trade Land Unemployment in England New markets Source of raw materials Promise of gold 8.2.B

12 Things Associated with the Constitution Convention of 1787 James Madison Philadelphia New Jersey Plan Great Compromise Virginia Plan 3/5ths Compromise 8.4.D

13 Things Associated with the War of 1812 Impressment Embargo Battle of New Orleans War Hawks Battle of the Thames Andrew Jackson Treaty of Ghent 8.5 D

14 Things Associated with the Causes of the American Revolution Stamp Act French and Indian War Quartering Act Boston Massacre Sons of Liberty Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts 8.4.A

15 Things Associated with Sectionalism Tariffs Slavery Henry Clay Missouri Compromise of 1820 Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act Nullification Crisis 8.7

16 Things Associated with the Development of Political Parties Washington’s Farewell Address Whigs Jacksonian Democrats Federalists Industry and Commerce Alexander Hamilton Republicans 8.5.C

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