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5-Minute Check Converse: Inverse: Contrapositive: Hypothesis: Conclusion: The measure of an angle is less than 90  The angle is acute If an angle is.

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Presentation on theme: "5-Minute Check Converse: Inverse: Contrapositive: Hypothesis: Conclusion: The measure of an angle is less than 90  The angle is acute If an angle is."— Presentation transcript:


2 5-Minute Check Converse: Inverse: Contrapositive: Hypothesis: Conclusion: The measure of an angle is less than 90  The angle is acute If an angle is acute, then it is less than 90. If the measure of an angle is not less than 90, then the angle is not acute. If the angle is not acute, then the measure of the angle is not less than 90.

3 OBJECTIVE: Students will form logical arguments using deductive reasoning. Why? So you can reach logical conclusions given specific scenarios. Mastery is 80% or better on 5-Minute checks and Indy work. Essential Question: How do you construct a logical argument? You’ll answer this question using the Laws of Detachment and Syllogism.

4 How is this different than Inductive reasoning which looks for patterns and makes a conjecture or educated guess to suggest an answer? Key Vocabulary

5 If you notice, more than two statements are “linked” together

6 Recall

7 What is the “link”?

8 Quick Write Briefly explain in your own words any differences / similarities of the Law of Detachment & Syllogism.

9 (With a partner) Law of Syllogism Law of Detachment

10 Inductive Deductive

11 Detachment Detachment Syllogism Invalid

12 PAIR SHARE Inductive Reasoning….notice the pattern leads to a conjecture or educated guess. Law of Syllogism Law of Detachment

13 What was the Objective? Students will form logical arguments using deductive reasoning. Why? So you can reach logical conclusions given specific scenarios. Mastery is 80% or better on 5-Minute checks and Indy work.

14 Performance Task

15 HOMEWORK Page 91-92 #’s 1-19 all….show your work

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