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INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN THINKING. EMPATHY Interview your partner and seek stories about his/her experience ____________________________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN THINKING. EMPATHY Interview your partner and seek stories about his/her experience ____________________________________________________."— Presentation transcript:


2 EMPATHY Interview your partner and seek stories about his/her experience ____________________________________________________ (best, worst, most awkward, funniest, etc..) (1) INTERVIEW Notes from your conversation (4 MIN) (2) DIG DEEPER Ask why, why, why… (3 MIN) Your Challenge:

3 REFRAME THE PROBLEM Notice something new, then infer what the meaning might be to write a point of view statement (3) CAPTURE FINDINGS (3 MIN) It’s interesting/surprising/telling… ____________________________ One thing that seems important to him/her… ____________________________ (write more than one possibility) (4) TAKE A STAND WITH A POINT-OF-VIEW (3 MIN) ____________________________ (partner’s name/description) needs a way to ____________________________ (user’s need = verb) because (or “but… or “surprisingly…”) (circle one) ____________________________ (insight) Your Challenge:

4 IDEATE Generate alternatives to test. (5) Sketch as least 5 radical ways to meet your partner’s needs. (5 MIN) (6) Share your ideas and capture feedback. (10 MIN [2 x 5 MIN each]) Your Challenge:

5 BUILD and TEST Based on what you’ve learned choose one idea to build and test. (7) BUILD SOMETHING FOR YOUR PARTNER TO INTERACT WITH! [NOT HERE] (8) CAPTURE FEEDBACK + What worked… * Ideas! - What to improve… ? Questions… Your Challenge:

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