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Prefixes Suffixes Root Words Oh My!. Prefix it’s the beginning of the word.

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Presentation on theme: "Prefixes Suffixes Root Words Oh My!. Prefix it’s the beginning of the word."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefixes Suffixes Root Words Oh My!

2 Prefix it’s the beginning of the word

3 Prefix-colors Colors: Erythro=red Leuko or Alb=white

4 Prefix-fast, slow, high, low Tachy=fast Brady=slow Hyper=high Hypo=low

5 Prefix-Where is it? Exo=outside Ecto= Intra or endo=inside Ante=before Peri=around Post=after Sub=below

6 Prefix-How much? Macro=large Micro=small Semi or Hemi=half Bi=two

7 Prefix-Other stuff Neo=new Dys=bad or difficult Contra=against A or An=without Hydro=water

8 Suffix at the end of the word

9 Suffix algia=pain itis=Inflammation uria=urine emia=blood

10 Suffix-Surgical what? otomy=cut into ectomy=surgical removal centesis=surgical puncture plasty=surgical repair

11 Suffix-big, runny, blocked, hard megaly=large or enlarged rrhea=excessive flow stasis=stoppage sclerosis=hardening

12 Suffix-What is it? ology=study of ologist=specialist osis=condition of ic=pertaining to pathy=a disease

13 Suffix-Extra extra plegia=paralysis oma=tumor gram or graph=picture or tracing

14 Root words the main part

15 Root words-organs pneum=lungcerebr=brain cardi=heartcyst=bladder hepat=liverchol=gall gastr=stomach hyster=uterus nephr=kidney

16 On the head Cephal=head Oto=ear Ophthalm=eye Lingu=tongue Gingiv=gums Rhin=nose Cranio=skull

17 muscles, joints, nerves, etc arthr=joint myo=muscle cyt=cell neur=nerve aden=gland derm=skin

18 Chest Thorac=chest Bronch=bronchial tubes cost=rib trach=trachea

19 Abbreviations short cut

20 Abbreviations STAT-immediatelyNPO- nothing by mouth DNR-do not resuscitateD/C- discontinue VS-vital signsBID-twice a day Rx-prescription po-by mouth Hs/hs-bedtime EKG-electrocardiogram

21 Abbreviations-Let’s review NPO means Nothing by mouth No particular order Never peel onions

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