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Genre Project English 10 Davion Reaves. Werewolves by Daniel Cohen BY: Davion Reaves You will need to make a title slide with this information.

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Presentation on theme: "Genre Project English 10 Davion Reaves. Werewolves by Daniel Cohen BY: Davion Reaves You will need to make a title slide with this information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genre Project English 10 Davion Reaves

2 Werewolves by Daniel Cohen BY: Davion Reaves You will need to make a title slide with this information.

3 Title: WereWolves What is your book’s genre? Write it here: historical sci- fi What is it? The setting is sixteenth century Europe in December Madeleine L'Engel, A Wrinkle in Time Enders game by orson scott card The war of worlds by h.g. wells Attribute: the dates in the book suggest that this book is historical sci-fi Attribute: since the main characters turned into lycans or were wolves it makes it a sci-fi. Attribute: this story is historical because gives times and dates of the story's setting You may use this slide as a template!

4 Each attribute will need to be proven with three quotations from your book. Your quotations should come from the beginning, middle, and the end. You do not have to label your quotations with little beginning, middle, and end arrows. Your quotations need to be punctuated properly, and you need the page number written in MLA format. My attribute pages have a hyperlink that goes back to the definition web. For my hyperlink, I used a map of Mexico with a red dot representing Mexico City. My story took place in Mexico City. Make all images you use relate to your book.

5 Attribute: Setting makes this book a historical novel. “another name for a werewolf is lycanthrope. The condition of being a wolf or believing that one is a werewolf” (pr. 13) “and his clothes began to change into bristling hairs his arms and legs the same and he became a wolf”. (pg55) In order to get ride wolf a werewolf you must silver weapons. (pg.100) Link to definition map!

6 Attribute: Because the main character is working to find clues to prove his friend’s innocence, this is a mystery. Unlike the vampire witch is most of the time evil there are a number of werewolves that are innocent or blameless.(pg 62) From the northern part of Europe come a huge number of tales of werewolves.(pg 74) Werewolves would sometimes tend to attack flocks of sheep but they apparently lacked the power to kill people(pg 95) Link to definition map!

7 Attribute: This novel is a mystery because the main character must solve the problem, or terrible things will happen. Many people from native Americas have practiced the magic of werewolfism.(pg 90) The Norse believed that if they went into battle with wolf skin then they become an inhuman fighter.(pg103) For three years in the begin of the 1764 the region of France known as legevaduan was terrorized by a monster wolf.(pg130) Link to definition map!

8 EVALUATION: Is Werewolves a good example of a sci-fi ? I believe that werewolves would be a good example of a sci-fi because it tells of mythological creators that are werewolves. It also tells facts and about what they do and how they do it.

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